"Cyme" is a word in ENGLISH


A flattish or convex flower cluster, of the centrifugal or
determinate type, differing from a corymb chiefly in the order of the
opening of the blossoms.

Few words of positivity

In traditional Asian arts, the word and the picture always sit next to each other. I have an aunt, a Chinese brush painter, who told me that when you do a Chinese brush painting, you have to pair the image up with some poetry.

Gene Luen Yang

Laugh your heart out.

What would Economics be without assumptions?Accounting

corymb ENGLISH

Any flattish flower cluster, whatever be the order of blooming, or a similar shaped cluster of fruit.

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dalupanî - A small white fish with a flattish body, resembling somewhat the bilóngbilóng.

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adj. half-rounded, semicircular, flattish: said especially of the head. --syn. DIPPIG.

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dead-eye ENGLISH

A round, flattish, wooden block, encircled by a rope, or an iron band, and pierced with three holes to receive …

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A bank or rounded hillock of sand thrown up by the wind along or near the shore; a flattish-topped hill; …

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flattish ENGLISH
hippurite ENGLISH

A fossil bivalve mollusk of the genus Hippurites, of many species, having a conical, cup-shaped under valve, with a flattish …

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lapad a {1} flat, level surface. Lapad siyag nawung, She has a flat face. Lapad ug tiil, Flat-footed or having …

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mushroom ENGLISH

An edible fungus (Agaricus campestris), having a white stalk which bears a convex or oven flattish expanded portion called the …

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Any carnivorous animal of the genus Lutra, and related genera. Several species are described. They have large, flattish heads, short …

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rotate ENGLISH

Having the parts spreading out like a wheel; wheel-shaped; as, a rotate spicule or scale; a rotate corolla, i.e., a …

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sapyà a {1} flat, said of s.t. which is normally full and bulging. Sapyà siyag dughan, She is flat-breasted. Sapyà …

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sesame ENGLISH

Either of two annual herbaceous plants of the genus Sesamum (S. Indicum, and S. orientale), from the seeds of which …

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tablet ENGLISH

A flattish cake or piece; as, tablets of arsenic were formerly worn as a preservative against the plague.

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