"Curveted" is a word in ENGLISH

curveted ENGLISH

of Curvet

Few words of positivity

Outside among your fellows among strangers you must preserve appearances 100 things you cannot do but inside the terrible freedom!

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What two words have thousands of letters in them?

A: Post office.

cabriole ENGLISH

A curvet; a leap. See Capriole.

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curvet ENGLISH

A prank; a frolic.

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curvet ENGLISH

To cause to curvet.

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curvet ENGLISH

A particular leap of a horse, when he raises both his fore legs at once, equally advanced, and, as his …

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curvet ENGLISH

To leap and frisk; to frolic.

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curvet ENGLISH

To make a curvet; to leap; to bound.

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falcade ENGLISH

The action of a horse, when he throws himself on his haunches two or three times, bending himself, as it …

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gallopade ENGLISH

I horsemanship, a sidelong or curveting kind of gallop.

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kórbot - To do something with sudden jerks, get restless with excitement, to puff, pull, draw, jump, curvet, etc. with …

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kubyál - To struggle, rear up, jump, curvet, make frantic efforts (as a horse trying to get loose, etc. (cf. …

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pannade ENGLISH

The curvet of a horse.

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The bound or leap of a horse; a curvet.

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