"Curt" is a word in ENGLISH


Characterized by excessive brevity; short; rudely concise;
as, curt limits; a curt answer.

Few words of positivity


Al Franken

Laugh your heart out.

A friend and I were standing in line at a fast-food restaurant, waiting to place our order.There was a big sign posted. "No bills larger than $20 will be accepted." The woman in front of us, pointing to the sign, remarked, "Believe me, if I HAD a bill larger than $20, I wouldn't be eating here."

swordbill ENGLISH

A humming bird (Docimastes ensiferus) having a very long, slender bill, exceeding the length of the body of the bird.

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A pleading in the action of replevin, by which the defendant avows, that is. acknowledges, the taking of the dis-tress …

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rescue ENGLISH

The forcible liberation of a person from an arrest or imprisonment.

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-grave ENGLISH

A final syllable signifying a ruler, as in landgrave, margrave. See Margrave.

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feuilleton ENGLISH

A part of a French newspaper (usually the bottom of the page), devoted to light literature, criticism, etc.; also, the …

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paraglobulin ENGLISH

An albuminous body in blood serum, belonging to the group of globulins. See Fibrinoplastin.

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corruptible ENGLISH

Capable of being made corrupt; subject to decay.

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bookstand ENGLISH

A stand to hold books for reading or reference.

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unarted ENGLISH

Ignorant of the arts.

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imbibe ENGLISH

To receive or absorb into the mind and retain; as, to imbibe principles; to imbibe errors.

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jaguar ENGLISH

A large and powerful feline animal (Felis onca), ranging from Texas and Mexico to Patagonia. It is usually brownish yellow, …

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clutch ENGLISH

The hands, claws, or talons, in the act of grasping firmly; -- often figuratively, for power, rapacity, or cruelty; as, …

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Cosa Juzgada LAW AND LEGAL

In Spanish law. A cause or matter adjudged, (res judicata.) white, New Recop. b. 3, tit 8, note

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cautiousness ENGLISH

The quality of being cautious.

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royalty ENGLISH

A share of the product or profit (as of a mine, forest, etc.), reserved by the owner for permitting another …

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infusibility ENGLISH

Incapability or difficulty of being fused, melted, or dissolved; as, the infusibility of carbon.

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prescriptible ENGLISH

Depending on, or derived from, prescription; proper to be prescribed.

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