"Crystallogenical" is a word in ENGLISH

crystallogenical ENGLISH

Pertaining to the production of crystals;
crystal-producing; as, crystallogenic attraction.

Few words of positivity

I have come to the realization that I have reached the age or mental state of the entering a room with thought in mind syndrome only to find the thought took a turn and went elsewhere...fortunately it wasn't a life or death issue... Sept 24, 2016... — thinking about life


Laugh your heart out.

As he was drilling a batch of recruits, the sergeant saw that one of them was marching out of step. Walking up next to the man as they marched, he said sarcastically: "Do you know they are all out of step except you?""What?" asked the recruit innocently."I said -- they are all out of step except you!" thundered the sergeant.The recruit replied, "Well, sarge, you're in charge -- you tell them!"

abietic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the fir tree or its products; as, abietic acid, called also sylvic acid.

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astrakhan ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Astrakhan in Russia or its products; made of an Astrakhan skin.

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ceramic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to pottery; relating to the art of making earthenware; as, ceramic products; ceramic ornaments for ceilings.

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crystallogeny ENGLISH

The science which pertains to the production of crystals.

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damask ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or originating at, the city of Damascus; resembling the products or manufactures of Damascus.

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dianoetic ENGLISH

Pertaining to the discursive faculty, its acts or products.

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dynamical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to dynamics; belonging to energy or power; characterized by energy or production of force.

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entoplastic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or composed of, entoplasm; as, the entoplastic products of some Protozoa, or the entoplastic modification of the cell …

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genetical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, concerned with, or determined by, the genesis of anything, or its natural mode of production or development.

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industrial ENGLISH

Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor, especially in …

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lithobilic ENGLISH

Pertaining to or designating an organic acid of the tartaric acid series, distinct from lithofellic acid, but, like it, obtained …

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marine ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the sea; having to do with the ocean, or with navigation or naval affairs; nautical; as, …

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mechanical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a machine or to machinery or tools; made or formed by a machine or with tools; …

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organic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or denoting, any one of the large series of substances which, in nature or origin, are connected with …

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pathogenic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to pathogeny; producting disease; as, a pathogenic organism; a pathogenic bacterium.

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piperic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or derived from, or designating, a complex organic acid found in the products of different members of the …

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sibylline ENGLISH

Pertaining to the sibyls; uttered, written, or composed by sibyls; like the productions of sibyls.

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sylvic ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or resembling, pine or its products; specifically, designating an acid called also abeitic acid, which is the …

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zoogenic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to zoogeny, animal production.

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