"Crowstep" is a word in ENGLISH

crowstep ENGLISH

See Corriestep.

Few words of positivity

Most people are far too much occupied with themselves to be malicious.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human

Laugh your heart out.

A pair of biologists are studying terns on a rock island just off the coast. While walking on a distant part of the island, they are shot at by a group of thugs operating a pot farm. This happens several times and the local law enforcement refuses to investigate.On their last day on the island they happen into a huge pile of harvested grass that has been set out to dry. Quickly they decide to set it on fire to pay the thugs back for shooting at them. The fire takes off and sends plumes of smoke into the sky. As they are running for their boat, they notice that the soaring birds are acting weird, spiraling out of control and crashing into the trees.The next day they read the headlines in the local paper:Pot Farm Burns - No Tern Left Unstoned.

aerify ENGLISH

To infuse air into; to combine air with.

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panaksihon HILIGAYNON

panaksíhon - Testimony; to give testimony as a witness. (cf. sáksi).

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wittol ENGLISH

Fig.: A slender, graceful woman.

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Not tinged with mineral salts; adapted to decompose soap; as, soft water is the best for washing.

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procession ENGLISH

The act of proceeding, moving on, advancing, or issuing; regular, orderly, or ceremonious progress; continuous course.

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aliwánay - To be wide, spacious, etc. See aliwána.

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To fit; to suit; to agree.

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exauthoration ENGLISH

Deprivation of authority or dignity; degration.

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excision ENGLISH

The act of excising or cutting out or off; extirpation; destruction.

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To determine; to make an award.

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adult n idyukisyun adult education.

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trierarchy ENGLISH

The office duty of a trierarch.

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cockaleekie ENGLISH

A favorite soup in Scotland, made from a capon highly seasoned, and boiled with leeks and prunes.

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solpugidea ENGLISH

Same as Solifugae.

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Stigma; brand; reproach.

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aftermost ENGLISH

Nearest the stern; most aft.

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