"Crosslet" is a word in ENGLISH

crosslet ENGLISH

Crossed again; -- said of a cross the arms of which are
crossed. SeeCross-crosslet.

crosslet ENGLISH

A small cross.

crosslet ENGLISH

A crucible.

Few words of positivity

We’re not going to give in. We’re going to fight.”“Got that right,” a voice cried out.“First thing we need to have clear: there’s no line between freak and normal here. If you have the power, we’ll need you. If you don’t, we’ll need you.”Heads were nodding. Looks were being exchanged.“Coates kids, Perdido Beach kids, we’re together now. We’re together. Maybe you did things to survive. Maybe you weren’t always brave. Maybe you gave up hope.”A girl sobbed suddenly.“Well, that’s all over now,” Sam said gently. “It all starts fresh. Right here, right now. We’re brothers and sisters now. Doesn’t matter we don’t know each other’s names, we are brothers and sisters and we’re going to survive, and we’re going to win, and we’re going to find our way to some kind of happiness again.”There was a long, deep silence.“So,” Sam said, “my name is Sam. I’m in this with you. All the way.” He turned to Astrid.“I’m Astrid, I’m in this with you, too.”“My name is Edilio. What they said. Brothers and sisters. Hermanos.”“Thuan Vong,” said a thin boy with yet-unhealed hands like dead fish. “I’m in.”“Dekka,” said a strong, solidly built girl with cornrows and a nose ring. “I’m in. And I have game.”“Me too,” called a skinny girl with reddish pigtails. “My name’s Brianna. I…well, I can go real fast.”One by one they declared their determination. The voices started out soft and gained strength. Each voice louder, firmer, more determined than the one before.Only Quinn remained silent. He hung his head, and tears rolled down his cheeks.“Quinn,” Sam called to him.Quinn didn’t respond, just looked down at the ground.“Quinn,” Sam said again. “It starts fresh right now. Nothing before counts. Nothing. Brothers, man?”Quinn struggled with the lump in his throat. But then, in a low voice, he said, “Yeah. Brothers.

Michael Grant, Gone

Laugh your heart out.

A family of ducks were walking down the road when an 18-wheeler ran over all but 1 baby. Farther down the road a family of skunks were walking the other way when the same 18-wheeler ran over all but one baby. The duck and the skunk finally met each other and the duck said, "Excuse me, my mom died down the road. Would you tell me what I am?" "Well", said the skunk "You have webbed feet, a beak, and feathers. You must be a duck." "Thanks" said the duck; then the skunk said, "My mom died down the road too, will you tell me what I am?" "Well", said the duck, "Your black, your white, & your mom's dead, you must be O.J.'s kid"

abung, abung HILIGAYNON

ábung, abúng - To intercept, stop, catch (by crossing one’s way, or the like). Pinaabúngan (Pinaabungán) silá níya sa mga …

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Adverse Party LAW AND LEGAL

An “adverse par-ty” entitled to notice of appeal is every par-ty whose interest in relation to the judg-ment or decree …

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ágak v {1} [A; a12] give the hand to lead or lend support. Akù siyang agákun tapun sa karsáda, Ill …

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ágak - To support, help along invalids or sick persons, etc.; to help, assist, succour in straits or difficulties. Agáka …

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agap a {1} in a great hurry to do s.t. Agap ka ra kaáyung misudyà níya, You were much too …

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agnus dei ENGLISH

A figure of a lamb bearing a cross or flag.

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alagad CEBUANO

alágad (not without l) n {1} servant, employee. sa baláud law o? cer. {2} service rendered. Mapasalamátun kami sa alágad …

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áli v [A; c] block a path, prevent passage, be a barrier. Ang bahà nakaáli sa ámung pagtabuk, The flood …

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allogamy ENGLISH

Fertilization of the pistil of a plant by pollen from another of the same species; cross-fertilization.

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almacantar ENGLISH

A recently invented instrument for observing the heavenly bodies as they cross a given almacantar circle. See Almucantar.

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amóy - Grammatically incorrect, but often used and even printed for amó ang. Ang timáan sang Sánta Cruz nga amóy …

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anastomosis ENGLISH

The inosculation of vessels, or intercommunication between two or more vessels or nerves, as the cross communication between arteries or …

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anchored ENGLISH

Having the extremities turned back, like the flukes of an anchor; as, an anchored cross.

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ancone ENGLISH

The corner or quoin of a wall, cross-beam, or rafter.

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anserated ENGLISH

Having the extremities terminate in the heads of eagles, lions, etc.; as, an anserated cross.

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arisgr CEBUANO

arisgr paN- v [A; b6] try s.t. regardless of the consequences. Mangarisgr kug panágat bisag dakù ang balud, I will …

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ariwarong HILIGAYNON

ariwaróng - To frown, contract the brows, to look cross, to glower, express displeasure or anger by one’s look. Ngáa …

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aslum a {1} sour. {2} cross, sour in facial expression. v {1} [B; a12] be, become sour. Way kaláki ang …

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atul coincide in time. Ang íyang adlaw atul sa bag-ung túig, His birthday coincides with New Years. v {1} [A2C; …

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avellane ENGLISH

In the form of four unhusked filberts; as, an avellane cross.

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