"Cremaillere" is a word in ENGLISH

cremaillere ENGLISH

An indented or zigzaged line of intrenchment.

Few words of positivity

Know that the same spark of life that is within you, is within all of our animal friends, the desire to live is the same within all of us...

Rai Aren, Secret of the Sands

Laugh your heart out.

Kung nagugutom ako at kelangan ko ng isang taong makakapagpabusog sa akin.

Pwede ba kitang lapitan at sabihin....Pakagat naman kahit sa labi man lang.


To direct the indention or purpose; to attempt the accomplishment of a purpose; to try to gain; to endeavor; -- …

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A recess or indentation shaped like a bay.

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bíngaw - To jag, notch, nick, indent, knock or draw out a tooth and the like. Ginbíngaw sang amáy ang …

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bingáw - Jagged, nicked, notched, indented, having one or more teeth missing; wanting—, lacking—, one or more teeth. (cf. pingás).

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n. a scar or scarlike indentation on the eyelid.

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To make an indentation in the edge of a metal plate, as along a seam in a steam boiler or …

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catenulate ENGLISH

Chainlike; -- said both or color marks and of indentations when arranged like the links of a chain, as on …

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center ENGLISH

A conical recess, or indentation, in the end of a shaft or other work, to receive the point of a …

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centre ENGLISH

To form a recess or indentation for the reception of a center.

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crenel ENGLISH

An embrasure or indentation in a battlement; a loophole in a fortress; an indentation; a notch. See Merlon, and Illust. …

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crenelate ENGLISH

To indent; to notch; as, a crenelated leaf.

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crenelation ENGLISH

The act of crenelating, or the state of being crenelated; an indentation or an embrasure.

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crotchet ENGLISH

An indentation in the glacis of the covered way, at a point where a traverse is placed.

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dancette ENGLISH

Deeply indented; having large teeth; thus, a fess dancette has only three teeth in the whole width of the escutcheon.

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deed poll ENGLISH

A deed of one part, or executed by only one party, and distinguished from an indenture by having the edge …

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A slight depression, or small notch or hollow, made by a blow or by pressure; an indentation.

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To make a dent upon; to indent.

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dented ENGLISH

Indented; impressed with little hollows.

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dibble ENGLISH

To make holes or indentations in, as if with a dibble.

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dimple ENGLISH

A slight natural depression or indentation on the surface of some part of the body, esp. on the cheek or …

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