"Craps" is a word in ENGLISH


A gambling game with dice.

Few words of positivity

Evolution is true, but does that make it right?

Alan Chains, Return to Island X

Laugh your heart out.

Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call and a K-9 unit patrolling nearby was the first to respond.As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps.Putting her face in her hands, she moaned: "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman!"


v. /AG-, MANG-/ to win (in gambling, a contest, etc.). Nangabak diay balasang. The young woman won. /MANG- : PANG--AN/ …

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v. /MA-/ 1. to lose money (in gambling, a contest, etc.). Naabakak idiay swipstik. I lost money in the sweepstakes. …

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aliputu CEBUANO

aliputu, alipútu a short tempered because of s.t. which is weigh-ing on the mind. Alipútu run nà siya kay napildi …

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alirung CEBUANO

alírung v [AB3(1); c] gather around s.t. Nag-alírung ang mga táwu sa sugálan, The people stood around the gambling table. …

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áni v [A; a12] {1} harvest (usually rice, but by extension, other crops). {2} get benefit from s.t. Way maáni …

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anít - Flayed, peeled; fleeced; one who has lost heavily in gambling, speculation, or the like. (cf. ánit).

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ápug no win in a kind of lottery where a black piece of paper, indicating no win, may be drawn. …

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aránka - (Sp. arrancar) To attack, particularly applied to sudden or swift aggression. Arankahá siá! Go for him! Attack him. …

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aríba n a percentage deducted by the operator of a gam-bling game from the proceeds of the winner. Bayri úsà …

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bákas - To join or associate with in trade, be a partner in business,—in games, etc. Nagabákas siá sa kay …

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balasubas HILIGAYNON

balasúbas - Out of pocket, without ready cash, short of cash for the present; to be or become short of …

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baling CEBUANO

báling n large fish net operated by several people. v {1} [AN; a] catch fish with a large net. Makúhà …

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bangil CEBUANO

bángil v {1} [A; b5c] put s.t. beneath or next to s.t. to keep it from jiggling, rolling, sliding, etc. …

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bangka CEBUANO

bangka v {1} [A; c] treat, pay the bill for entertainment or food consumed in entertainment. Bangkáhan ta mu ug …

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bangkero TAGALOG

bangkero Definition: (noun) boatman, banker, dealer and/or payer in gambling (shortened to BANGKA, colloquially). Notes: Spanish word

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bangkilya CEBUANO

bangkilya n percentage of the amount won, given to the owner of a gambling place or equipment after each game. …

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banker ENGLISH

The dealer, or one who keeps the bank in a gambling house.

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bantut CEBUANO

bantut n light thudding sound of a falling object. v [B26] {1} make a light thudding sound in falling. Nahúlug …

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baraw, báraw v [A; a12b2] interrupt the tossing of the coin in gambling to annul that particular toss. Baráwa nang …

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bátok - (H) Against, opposed to, contrary to. Bátok inâ sa buót sang Diós. That is against the will of …

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