"Courtesied" is a word in ENGLISH

courtesied ENGLISH

of Courtesy

Few words of positivity

I do not understand why I was held back from Sedona for so many years. My spirit was broken down, and I lost everything, friends, pets, pieces of myself were lying everywhere. I felt like a massive failure from Boston, then a failure because I could not manifest Sedona. It almost seems like I had to give up, and let go of the iron grip I had on Sedona, in order to finally understand it better. Focusing on other dreams and paths, let me lighten up further, until it came unexpectedly at the door and knocked. "Remember Me? I am the dream you buried, and thought you would never get, but it feels right now, and you should just go for it".

Jennifer Underwood, The Road to Sedona-All Paths Lead to You: How One Woman's Past Life Can Shape the Future

Laugh your heart out.

Is it proper to eat a hamburger with your fingers?No, you should eat your fingers separately!

attention ENGLISH

An act of civility or courtesy; care for the comfort and pleasure of others; as, attentions paid to a stranger.

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batasan CEBUANO

batásan n {1} custom, usual way of acting. Batásan námung mangadyì únà mangáun, Its our custom to pray before eating. …

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captain ENGLISH

By courtesy, an officer actually commanding a vessel, although not having the rank of captain.

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cheese ENGLISH

A low courtesy; -- so called on account of the cheese form assumed by a woman's dress when she stoops …

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chivalry ENGLISH

The qualifications or character of knights, as valor, dexterity in arms, courtesy, etc.

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churlishness ENGLISH

Rudeness of manners or temper; lack of kindness or courtesy.

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civillty ENGLISH

Courtesy; politeness; kind attention; good breeding; a polite act or expression.

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To persuade by gentle, insinuating courtesy, flattering, or fondling; to wheedle; to soothe.

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Lat Comity, courtesy, civil-ity. Comitas inter communitates; or comi-tas inter gentes; comity between commuui-ties or nations; comity of nations. 2 …

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comity ENGLISH

Mildness and suavity of manners; courtesy between equals; friendly civility; as, comity of manners; the comity of States.

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Courtesy; complaisance; respect; a willingness to grant a privilege, not as a matter of right, but out of deference and …

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commend ENGLISH

To mention by way of courtesy, implying remembrance and good will.

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commodore ENGLISH

An officer who ranks next above a captain; sometimes, by courtesy, the senior captain of a squadron. The rank of …

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commodore ENGLISH

A title given by courtesy to the senior captain of a line of merchant vessels, and also to the chief …

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complaisance ENGLISH

Disposition to please or oblige; obliging compliance with the wishes of others; a deportment indicative of a desire to please; …

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condescension ENGLISH

The act of condescending; voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in intercourse with an inferior; courtesy toward inferiors.

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The customary act of civility on any occasion; a bow or a courtesy.

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To take leave with the customary civilities; to bow or courtesy.

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courteous ENGLISH

Of courtlike manners; pertaining to, or expressive of, courtesy; characterized by courtesy; civil; obliging; well bred; polite; affable; complaisant.

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courteousness ENGLISH

The quality of being courteous; politeness; courtesy.

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