"Coupee" is a word in ENGLISH

coupee ENGLISH

A motion in dancing, when one leg is a little bent, and
raised from the floor, and with the other a forward motion is made.

Few words of positivity

The Bible is not a witness to the best people making it up to God; it's a witness to God making it down to the worst people. Far from being a book full of moral heroes whom we are commanded to emulate, what we discover is that the so-called heroes in the Bible are not really heroes at all. They fall and fail; they make huge mistakes; they get afraid; they're selfish, deceptive, egotistical, and unreliable. The Bible is one long story of God meeting our rebellion with His rescue, our sin with His salvation, our guilt with His grace, our badness with His goodness.

Tullian Tchividjian, One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World

Laugh your heart out.

Two old men were sat on a bench outside a nursing home having a chat. "How areyou, Richard?" asked George. "I'm not feeling too good today, I'm utterlyexhausted," replied Richard. "I've pulled a muscle, and it's killing me." "I'msurprised that a pulled muscle makes you feel so tired," said George. Richardyawned and said, "Well, it does if you pull it a hundred times in one night."

Articulation, usually that kind of articulation which admits of free motion in the joint; diarthrosis.

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aberration ENGLISH

A small periodical change of position in the stars and other heavenly bodies, due to the combined effect of the …

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absolute ENGLISH

Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; -- opposed to relative and comparative; as, …

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accelerate ENGLISH

To cause to move faster; to quicken the motion of; to add to the speed of; -- opposed to retard.

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acceleration ENGLISH

The act of accelerating, or the state of being accelerated; increase of motion or action; as, a falling body moves …

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accord ENGLISH

Voluntary or spontaneous motion or impulse to act; -- preceded by own; as, of one's own accord.

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accusative ENGLISH

Applied to the case (as the fourth case of Latin and Greek nouns) which expresses the immediate object on which …

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action ENGLISH

Effective motion; also, mechanism; as, the breech action of a gun.

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active ENGLISH

Having the power or quality of acting; causing change; communicating action or motion; acting; -- opposed to passive, that receives; …

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activeness ENGLISH

The quality of being active; nimbleness; quickness of motion; activity.

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actuate ENGLISH

To put into action or motion; to move or incite to action; to influence actively; to move as motives do; …

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aerodynamic ENGLISH

Pertaining to the force of air in motion.

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Fig.: In motion; in action; astir; in progress.

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Having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs; apt or ready to move; nimble; active; as, an agile boy; …

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agility ENGLISH

The quality of being agile; the power of moving the limbs quickly and easily; nimbleness; activity; quickness of motion; as, …

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agoing ENGLISH

In motion; in the act of going; as, to set a mill agoing.

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The artificial motion or carriage of a horse.

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Air in motion; a light breeze; a gentle wind.

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alig-ig CEBUANO

alig-ig v [A; a] {1} separate coarse and fine grains by shaking them on a tray. A jerking motion is …

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Exhibiting the activity and motion of many living beings; swarming; thronged.

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