"Cougar" is a word in ENGLISH

cougar ENGLISH

An American feline quadruped (Felis concolor), resembling
the African panther in size and habits. Its color is tawny, without
spots; hence writers often called it the American lion. Called also
puma, panther, mountain lion, and catamount. See Puma.

Few words of positivity

We are descended from a people whose government was founded on liberty; our glorious forefathers of Great Britain made liberty the foundation of everything. That country is become a great, mighty, and splendid nation; not because their government is strong and energetic, but, sir, because liberty is its direct end and foundation.

Patrick Henry

Laugh your heart out.

When Ben hit his thumb with a hammer he let out a few choice words. Shocked by her son's outburst, his mother said, "Don't you dare use that kind of language in here." "William Shakespeare did," replied Ben. "Well, you'd better stop going around with him," said Mom.


A large American carnivore (Felis concolor), found from Canada to Patagonia, especially among the mountains. Its color is tawny, or …

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