"Couchancy" is a word in ENGLISH

couchancy ENGLISH

State of lying down for repose.

Few words of positivity

They were young and gay and the femininity of their teenage years had only recently hardened into the muscle of a competitive sexual economy. Their muscles met the demands of the city, and the city met the demands of their muscles.

Christopher Bollen, Orient

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the poor dog chase his own tail ?He was trying to make both ends meet !


Gold and silver Intended to be coined. The term la usually applied to a quantity of these metals ready for …

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The posture of seizing; a state of preparation to lay hold of, or of watching he opportunity to seize; as, …

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cocoon ENGLISH

An oblong case in which the silkworm lies in its chrysalis state. It is formed of threads of silk spun …

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Credentials LAW AND LEGAL

LS. In International law. Tbe instruments which authorize and estah-lish a public miuister in his character with the state or …

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Dote Unde Nihil Habet LAW AND LEGAL

A writ which lies for a widow to whom uo dower has been assigned. 3 Bl. Comm. 182. By 23 …

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An unlawful game of cards, ln which all the other players play against the banker or dealer, staking thelr money …

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hámyang - To lie supine or face upward, lie on one’s back, lie in state (of corpses). Ang patáy nagahámyang …

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háyà v [c1] lie in state. Ang patay giháyà sa punirarya, The body is lying in state at the funeral …

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official. Partly official or authorized. Having color of officiaf right.—official aot. one done by an oflicer in nis official capacity …

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incumbency ENGLISH

The state of being incumbent; a lying or resting on something.

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interjacency ENGLISH

The state of being between; a coming or lying between or among; intervention; also, that which lies between.

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istadu CEBUANO

istádu n {1} situation. Ang istádu mau ni: pagsulud nákù sa lawak dihay babáyi nga naghigdà sa katri, The situation …

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kadudlaan HILIGAYNON

kadudláan - Wariness, watchfulness, carefulness, guardedness, caution, alertness, suspicion. Kon may kadudláan na ang mga pumulúyò, salâ inâ sang mga …

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latitancy ENGLISH

Act or state of lying hid, or lurking.

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To abide; to remain for a longer or shorter time; to be in a certain state or condition; as, to …

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litter ENGLISH

Disorder or untidiness resulting from scattered rubbish, or from thongs lying about uncared for; as, a room in a state …

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The sparingly fossiliferous conglomerates, grits, schists, and states of Great Britain, which lie at the base of the Cambrian system; …

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lying-in ENGLISH

The state attending, and consequent to, childbirth; confinement.

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mendacity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being mendacious; a habit of lying.

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Specifically: That part of the United States lying north of Mason and Dixon's line. See under Line.

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