"Couage" is a word in ENGLISH

couage ENGLISH

To inspire with courage.

Few words of positivity

It's often discouraging sitting working at home, wondering whether to put the heating on, answering the doorbell to the gas board, feeling it's all utterly pointless.

Rachel Johnson

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call cheese that's not yours?A: Nacho cheese!

afflation ENGLISH

A blowing or breathing on; inspiration.

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afflatus ENGLISH

A divine impartation of knowledge; supernatural impulse; inspiration.

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ágbaw - Dismay, alarm, terror, consternation; something that inspires fear or creates a panic; fearful, terrific. (cf. makahahádluk).

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anthropology ENGLISH

That manner of expression by which the inspired writers attribute human parts and passions to God.

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aspiration ENGLISH

The act of breathing; a breath; an inspiration.

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assurance ENGLISH

The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.

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assure ENGLISH

To declare to, solemnly; to assert to (any one) with the design of inspiring belief or confidence.

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august ENGLISH

Of a quality inspiring mingled admiration and reverence; having an aspect of solemn dignity or grandeur; sublime; majestic; having exalted …

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áwà v {1} [B126; b5c1] envy, be jealous. Ngánung maáwà ka man sa ímung igsúun? Why should you be jealous …

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To strike with fear and reverence; to inspire with awe; to control by inspiring dread.

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The emotion inspired by something dreadful and sublime; an undefined sense of the dreadful and the sublime; reverential fear, or …

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Inspiring awe; filling with profound reverence, or with fear and admiration; fitted to inspire reverential fear; profoundly impressive.

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awless ENGLISH

Inspiring no awe.

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bibliolatrist ENGLISH

A worshiper of books; especially, a worshiper of the Bible; a believer in its verbal inspiration.

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breather ENGLISH

One who breathes. Hence: (a) One who lives.(b) One who utters. (c) One who animates or inspires.

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breathing ENGLISH

Any gentle influence or operation; inspiration; as, the breathings of the Spirit.

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búgnà - Revelation, inspiration; to reveal, inspire. Ang búgnà (ni) kay San Huán. The revelations of St. John. The Apocalypse. …

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A sudden breaking forth; a violent rending; an explosion; as, a burst of thunder; a burst of applause; a burst …

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The collection of books received as genuine Holy Scriptures, called the sacred canon, or general rule of moral and religious …

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canonize ENGLISH

To rate as inspired; to include in the canon.

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