"Cookey" is a word in ENGLISH

cookey ENGLISH

Alt. of Cookie

Few words of positivity

Stubbornness is a weapon.People tend to draw it out when a sensitive part of their identity is threatened—be it dignity, honor, pride, desires, etc. If loaded with righteous resolve, stubbornness can assist in overcoming obstacles and achieving great feats; however, more often than not it is loaded with anger, used as a means of destruction for both the possessor and those whom he turns his weapon upon. It is best utilized by wise individuals who are able to dispassionately perceive if their stubbornness will accomplish good, or if it should be put away and replaced by a humble substitute to spare the lives of everyone affected.

Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Albee !Albee !Albee a monkey's uncle !


Turn; purpose; inclination; ends.

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seagoing ENGLISH

Going upon the sea; especially, sailing upon the deep sea; -- used in distinction from coasting or river, as applied …

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Unsteady; dizzy; tottery.

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From a lower to a higher position, literally or figuratively; as, from a recumbent or sitting position; from the mouth, …

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láki maáyung have exceptional ability. Maáyung láki si Maríya sa ininglis, Maria has exceptional ability in English. ka- n {1} …

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delicate ENGLISH

Affected by slight causes; showing slight changes; as, a delicate thermometer.

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high-raised ENGLISH

Elated with great ideas or hopes.

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recital ENGLISH

The act of reciting; the repetition of the words of another, or of a document; rehearsal; as, the recital of …

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Neither Party LAW AND LEGAL

An abbreviated form of docket entry, meaning that, by agree-ment, neither of the parties will further appear in court in …

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initiatory ENGLISH

Suitable for an introduction or beginning; introductory; prefatory; as, an initiatory step.

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schoolboy ENGLISH

A boy belonging to, or attending, a school.

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tangunan CEBUANO

tangunan = talungan.

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folklore ENGLISH

Alt. of Folk lore

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lithochromics ENGLISH

The art of printing colored pictures on canvas from oil paintings on stone.

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division ENGLISH

The act or process of diving anything into parts, or the state of being so divided; separation.

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lappic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Lapland, or the Lapps.

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To blow, wipe, or clear, as the nose.

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sordiferous ENGLISH

Alt. of Sorediiferous

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