"Consular Courts" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Consular Courts LAW AND LEGAL

Courts held by the consuls of one country, within the ter-ritory of another, under authority given by treaty, for the settlement of civil cases be-tween citizens of the country which the con-sul represents. In some instances they have also a criminal Jurisdiction, but In thls re-spect are subject to revlew by the courts of the home government See Rev. SL 0. S. | 4083 (U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 2768

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Idleness for me is not a giving up on life but a spirited grabbing hold of it.

Tom Hodgkinson

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What is a spiders favourite TV show ?The newly web game !

abjuration ENGLISH

The act of abjuring or forswearing; a renunciation upon oath; as, abjuration of the realm, a sworn banishment, an oath …

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In ancient English law. A renunciation of one's country, a species of self-imposed banishment, under an oath never to return …

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ablegate ENGLISH

A representative of the pope charged with important commissions in foreign countries, one of his duties being to bring to …

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Papal ambassadors of the second rank, who are sent to a country where there is not a nuncio, with a …

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aborigines ENGLISH

The earliest known inhabitants of a country; native races.

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abroad ENGLISH

Beyond the bounds of a country; in foreign countries; as, we have broils at home and enemies abroad.

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absentee ENGLISH

One who absents himself from his country, office, post, or duty; especially, a landholder who lives in another country or …

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absenteeism ENGLISH

The state or practice of an absentee; esp. the practice of absenting one's self from the country or district where …

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Acquit A Caution LAW AND LEGAL

In French law, Certain goods pay higher export duties when exported to a foreign country than when they are destined …

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acreage ENGLISH

Acres collectively; as, the acreage of a farm or a country.

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actual ENGLISH

In action at the time being; now exiting; present; as the actual situation of the country.

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adopted ENGLISH

Taken by adoption; taken up as one's own; as, an adopted son, citizen, country, word.

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In Roman law. one of foreign birth, who has left his own country and settled elsewhere, and who has not …

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adventitious ENGLISH

Accidentally or sparingly spontaneous in a country or district; not fully naturalized; adventive; -- applied to foreign plants.

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afforest ENGLISH

To convert into a forest; as, to afforest a tract of country.

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aggrandize ENGLISH

To make great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; -- applied to persons, countries, etc.

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agrestic ENGLISH

Pertaining to fields or the country, in opposition to the city; rural; rustic; unpolished; uncouth.

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airiness ENGLISH

The state or quality of being airy; openness or exposure to the air; as, the airiness of a country seat.

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alaká-ak - Spread, distributed, dispersed over a large area with considerable distances between; to be spread or distributed, etc. Alaká-ak …

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The name of a Judicial of-ficer ln Spain, and in those countries which have received their laws and institutions from …

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