"Consubstantiation" is a word in ENGLISH

consubstantiation ENGLISH

The actual, substantial presence of the body of
Christ with the bread and wine of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper;
impanation; -- opposed to transubstantiation.

consubstantiation ENGLISH

An identity or union of substance.

Few words of positivity

Memories come back, pressing in on you, like ghost faces in the darkness pushing up the glass, trying to get into the lit room.

Julia Green

Laugh your heart out.

If an electric train travels 90 miles an hour in a westerly direction and the wind is blowing from the north, in which direction is the smoke blowing?There is no smoke from an electric train!

Abatement Of Freehold LAW AND LEGAL

This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, …

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absolute ENGLISH

Viewed apart from modifying influences or without comparison with other objects; actual; real; -- opposed to relative and comparative; as, …

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active ENGLISH

In action; actually proceeding; working; in force; -- opposed to quiescent, dormant, or extinct; as, active laws; active hostilities; an …

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That is in action; that demands action; actually subsisting; the oppo-site of passive. An active debt is one which draws …

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actual ENGLISH

Existing in act or reality; really acted or acting; in fact; real; -- opposed to potential, possible, virtual, speculative, conceivable, …

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actual ENGLISH

Involving or comprising action; active.

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actual ENGLISH

Something actually received; real, as distinct from estimated, receipts.

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actual ENGLISH

In action at the time being; now exiting; present; as the actual situation of the country.

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Real; substantial; existing presently in act, having a valid objective existence as opposed to that which ls mere-ly theoretical or …

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actualist ENGLISH

One who deals with or considers actually existing facts and conditions, rather than fancies or theories; -- opposed to idealist.

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actuality ENGLISH

The state of being actual; reality; as, the actuality of God's nature.

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actualization ENGLISH

A making actual or really existent.

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actualize ENGLISH

To make actual; to realize in action.

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actually ENGLISH

In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively.

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actualness ENGLISH

Quality of being actual; actuality.

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Lying near or close to; contiguous. The difference between adjacent and adjoining seems to be that the for-mer implies that …

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Admission To Bail LAW AND LEGAL

The order of a competent court or magistrate that a person accused of crime be discharged from actual custody upon …

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admittance ENGLISH

Permission to enter; the power or right of entrance; also, actual entrance; reception.

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