"Constricting" is a word in ENGLISH

constricting ENGLISH

of Constrict

Few words of positivity

By saying that human issues are more important than non-human issues, that violence to humans is more relevant than violence to animals, one forgets that the animal liberation movement implies a message of peace for every being on earth and the opposition against the mindset of oppression. To make a distinction between one violence and another is exactly the root of all violence: Some wouldn't do any harm to those who share with them a flag, a religion, a language, etc. but would easily condemn to suffering and death those who are different. This tragic use of diversity as an excuse to inflict pain on others for a matter of profit and convenience is the cause of suffering for both human and non-human animals.

Mango Wodzak, The Eden Fruitarian Guidebook

Laugh your heart out.

Who is the greatest painter of this century? Pigcasso!


Great anxiety accompanied by painful constriction at the upper part of the belly, often with palpitation and oppression.

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arctation ENGLISH

Constriction or contraction of some natural passage, as in constipation from inflammation.

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asthma ENGLISH

A disease, characterized by difficulty of breathing (due to a spasmodic contraction of the bronchi), recurring at intervals, accompanied with …

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astrict ENGLISH

To bind up; to confine; to constrict; to contract.

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astringe ENGLISH

To bind fast; to constrict; to contract; to cause parts to draw together; to compress.

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A constriction in the bore of a shotgun, case of a rocket, etc.

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coarctate ENGLISH

Pressed together; closely connected; -- applied to insects having the abdomen separated from the thorax only by a constriction.

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constrict ENGLISH

To draw together; to render narrower or smaller; to bind; to cramp; to contract or cause to shrink.

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constricted ENGLISH

Contracted or compressed so as to be smaller in certain places or parts than in others.

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constricted ENGLISH

Drawn together; bound; contracted; cramped.

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constriction ENGLISH

The state of being constricted; the point where a thing is constricted; a narrowing or binding.

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constriction ENGLISH

The act of constricting by means of some inherent power or by movement or change in the thing itself, as …

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constrictive ENGLISH

Serving or tending to bind or constrict.

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constrictor ENGLISH

That which constricts, draws together, or contracts.

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constringe ENGLISH

To dawn together; to contract; to force to contract itself; to constrict; to cause to shrink.

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disjunct ENGLISH

Having the head, thorax, and abdomen separated by a deep constriction.

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hidebound ENGLISH

Having the bark so close and constricting that it impedes the growth; -- said of trees.

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incarceration ENGLISH

A constriction of the hernial sac, rendering it irreducible, but not great enough to cause strangulation.

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lúgut - To chafe, gall, fret, constrict, cut into the flesh (as a tight cord, fetters, shackles, or the like). …

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