"Conjuror" is a word in ENGLISH

conjuror ENGLISH

One bound by a common oath with others.

Few words of positivity

I pictured the two of them alone. Perhaps showering together, as Rome and I liked to do. My stomach clenched painfully, amusement forgotten. “Cody, will you take me to the nearest clinic? I need someone to dig the knife out of my back. Lexis might need it again. And the good doctor might want to give me a tetanus shot. I think she bled on me.” Stunned silence. I often had that effect.

Gena Showalter, Twice as Hot

Laugh your heart out.

On a flight with EasyJet back in 1997 the pilot made what can only be describes as an extremely heavy landing at Luton. It was very early in the morning and a number of passenger around me looked quite alarmed as, apartfrom the noise, a number of overhead lockers dropped open and several items of carry-on luggage were launched down the aisle.After slowing up, the aircraft turned off the runway and turned towards the stand and over the PA came "Good morning ladies gentlemen, this is Captain Smith, welcome to Luton...and if any of you were asleep...I bet you're not now!"

abandonment ENGLISH

The voluntary leaving of a person to whom one is bound by a special relation, as a wife, husband, or …

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In old European law. A kind of oath among the Bavarians. Spelman. In Saxon law. one bound by oath, q. …

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apprentice ENGLISH

One who is bound by indentures or by legal agreement to serve a mechanic, or other person, for a certain …

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Apprenticeship LAW AND LEGAL

A contract by which one person, usually a minor, called the “apprentice,” is bound to another person, called the “master,” …

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awóg - A spell or enchantment believed in by the superstitious, and supposed to make one remain within a rather …

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One of several imaginary lines, assumed in describing the position of the planes by which a crystal is bounded.

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Any one of the four bounds which mark the circuit of the infield.

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beguine ENGLISH

A woman belonging to one of the religious and charitable associations or communities in the Netherlands, and elsewhere, whose members …

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betray ENGLISH

To violate the confidence of, by disclosing a secret, or that which one is bound in honor not to make …

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Bilateral Contract LAW AND LEGAL

A term, used originally ln the civil law, but now generally adopted, denoting a contract in which both the contracting …

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billiards ENGLISH

A game played with ivory balls o a cloth-covered, rectangular table, bounded by elastic cushions. The player seeks to impel …

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To obligate; to bring or place under definite duties or legal obligations, particularly by a bond or covenant; to affect …

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bondmaid ENGLISH

A female slave, or one bound to service without wages, as distinguished from a hired servant.

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bondman ENGLISH

A man slave, or one bound to service without wages.

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bond servant ENGLISH

A slave; one who is bound to service without wages.

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bondsman ENGLISH

A surety; one who is bound, or who gives security, for another.

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Spring from one foot to the other.

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A person employed to dun one for a debt; a bailiff employed to ar-rest a debtor. Probably a vulgar corruption …

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In Scotch law. A surety; a bondsman, one who binds himself ln a bond wlth the principal for greater security. …

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celibacy ENGLISH

The state of being unmarried; single life, esp. that of a bachelor, or of one bound by vows not to …

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