"Congregating" is a word in ENGLISH

congregating ENGLISH

of Congregate

Few words of positivity

Deep within my soul lies a great light.

Lailah GiftyAkita

Laugh your heart out.

Why does Father Christmas go down chimneys?Because they soot him!

alternation ENGLISH

The response of the congregation speaking alternately with the minister.

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antiphony ENGLISH

An anthem or psalm sung alternately by a choir or congregation divided into two parts. Also figuratively.

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assemble ENGLISH

To collect into one place or body; to bring or call together; to convene; to congregate.

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assemble ENGLISH

To meet or come together, as a number of individuals; to convene; to congregate.

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barrowist ENGLISH

A follower of Henry Barrowe, one of the founders of Independency or Congregationalism in England. Barrowe was executed for nonconformity …

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In ecclesiastical law. A congregation' of ecclesiastical persons in a cathedral church, consisting of canons, or* prebendaries, whereof the dean …

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choral ENGLISH

A hymn tune; a simple sacred tune, sung in unison by the congregation; as, the Lutheran chorals.

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christian ENGLISH

One of a Christian denomination which rejects human creeds as bases of fellowship, and sectarian names. They are congregational in …

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One of the sections into which a church or congregation is divided, and which is under the supervision of a …

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collective ENGLISH

Formed by gathering or collecting; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated or aggregated; as, the collective body of …

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conference ENGLISH

A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a district; the district in which such churches are.

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congregate ENGLISH

Collected; compact; close.

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congregate ENGLISH

To come together; to assemble; to meet.

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congregate ENGLISH

To collect into an assembly or assemblage; to assemble; to bring into one place, or into a united body; to …

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congregation ENGLISH

the name assumed by the Protestant party under John Knox. The leaders called themselves (1557) Lords of the Congregation.

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congregation ENGLISH

A collection or mass of separate things.

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congregation ENGLISH

The assemblage of Masters and Doctors at Oxford or Cambrige University, mainly for the granting of degrees.

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congregation ENGLISH

The act of congregating, or bringing together, or of collecting into one aggregate or mass.

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congregation ENGLISH

An assembly of persons; a gathering; esp. an assembly of persons met for the worship of God, and for religious …

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