"Confederated" is a word in ENGLISH

confederated ENGLISH

of Confederate

Few words of positivity

He's naked," she said in a whisper louder than a yell."He knows," Cyrus said."Does he want a blanket?""Apparently not.

Dominique Eastwick, Shifting Hearts

Laugh your heart out.

One day there were these three boys walking down the street, all of a sudden they heard a yell: 'HELP! HELP!'When the boys got to the noise they saw Bill Clinton in a lake drowning. The three boys saved him from drowning. Bill Clinton asks the first boy how he could ever repay him. The boy said, 'I want a boat.'The second boy said 'I want a truck.' And the third boy said, 'I want three tombstones with arenames all on them.' Bill Clinton said, 'why is that son?' The little boy said, 'because when my Dad finds out that wesaved you, he is going to kill us all!'

alliant ENGLISH

An ally; a confederate.

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One united to another by treaty or league; -- usually applied to sovereigns or states; a confederate.

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amphictyons ENGLISH

Deputies from the confederated states of ancient Greece to a congress or council. They considered both political and religious matters.

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amphictyony ENGLISH

A league of states of ancient Greece; esp. the celebrated confederation known as the Amphictyonic Council. Its object was to …

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associate ENGLISH

To join with one, as a friend, companion, partner, or confederate; as, to associate others with us in business, or …

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associate ENGLISH

A partner in interest, as in business; or a confederate in a league.

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associator ENGLISH

An associate; a confederate or partner in any scheme.

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auxiliary ENGLISH

A helper; an assistant; a confederate in some action or enterprise.

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To confederate for some common purpose; to unite; to conspire together.

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League; confederacy; esp. the confederation of German states.

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combine ENGLISH

To form a union; to agree; to coalesce; to confederate.

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combined ENGLISH

United closely; confederated; chemically united.

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communalism ENGLISH

A French theory of government which holds that commune should be a kind of independent state, and the national government …

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compact ENGLISH

Joined or held together; leagued; confederated.

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competitor ENGLISH

An associate; a confederate.

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confeder ENGLISH
confederacy ENGLISH

The persons, bodies, states, or nations united by a league; a confederation.

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confederate ENGLISH

A name designating an adherent to the cause of the States which attempted to withdraw from the Union (1860-1865).

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confederate ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the government of the eleven Southern States of the United States which (1860-1865) attempted to establish …

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confederate ENGLISH

United in a league; allied by treaty; engaged in a confederacy; banded together; allied.

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