"Commandite" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Commandite LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. A spe-cial or limited partnership, where the con-tract is between one or more persons who are * general partners, and jointly and severally responsible, and one or more other persons who merely furnish a particular fund or cap-itai stock, and thence are called "commandi-taires," or "commenditaires," or “partners en commandite;” the business being carried on under the social name or firm of the gen-eral partners only, composed of the names of the general or complementary partners, the partners in commandite being liable to losses only to the extent of the funds or capltal fur-nished by them. Story, Partn. § 78; 3 Kent

Few words of positivity

But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head, like a face that I hold inside, face that awakes when I close my eyes, face that watches everytime I lie, face that laughs everytime I fall. (It watches EVERYTHING) ... But the face inside is hearing me, right beneath my skin.

Linkin Park, Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a man who has lost 95% of his brainpower?A widower.


píang v {1} [A; b] dislocate, sprain, fracture s. o. Napíang ku pagkadakin-as nákù, I got a sprain (fracture) when …

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