"Comedietta" is a word in ENGLISH

comedietta ENGLISH

A dramatic sketch; a brief comedy.

Few words of positivity

I'd love there to be more larger models, but it's just not going to happen. Designers love to design for slim girls.


Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's the difference between Personal Injury lawyers and Congress?A: No fee--If No Recovery!


A performance of part of a play; one of the principal divisions of a play or dramatic work in which …

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To perform, as an actor; to represent dramatically on the stage.

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cantata ENGLISH

A poem set to music; a musical composition comprising choruses, solos, interludes, etc., arranged in a somewhat dramatic manner; originally, …

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catastrophe ENGLISH

The final event in a romance or a dramatic piece; a denouement, as a death in a tragedy, or a …

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comedy ENGLISH

A dramatic composition, or representation of a bright and amusing character, based upon the foibles of individuals, the manners of …

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corypheus ENGLISH

The conductor, chief, or leader of the dramatic chorus; hence, the chief or leader of a party or interest.

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costume ENGLISH

A character dress, used at fancy balls or for dramatic purposes.

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criticism ENGLISH

The rules and principles which regulate the practice of the critic; the art of judging with knowledge and propriety of …

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A series of real events invested with a dramatic unity and interest.

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dráma v {1} [A; a] put on a play or stage a broadcast. Gidráma níla ang kamatáyun ni Risal, They …

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Dramatic composition and the literature pertaining to or illustrating it; dramatic literature.

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dramatic ENGLISH

Alt. of Dramatical

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dramatical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the drama; appropriate to, or having the qualities of, a drama; theatrical; vivid.

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dramatically ENGLISH

In a dramatic manner; theatrically; vividly.

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Dramatic Composition LAW AND LEGAL

In copy-right law. A literary work setting forth a story, incident, or scene from life, in which, however, the narrative …

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dramatik CEBUANO

dramátik a dramatic, full of emotional action. Dramátik nga panagkítà, An emotional meeting. Dramátik nga lílas, A dra-matic film. intrans …

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dramatist ENGLISH

The author of a dramatic composition; a writer of plays.

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dramatizable ENGLISH

Capable of being dramatized.

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dramatization ENGLISH

Act of dramatizing.

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dramatize ENGLISH

To compose in the form of the drama; to represent in a drama; to adapt to dramatic representation; as, to …

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