"Comatula" is a word in ENGLISH

comatula ENGLISH

A crinoid of the genus Antedon and related genera. When
young they are fixed by a stem. When adult they become detached and
cling to seaweeds, etc., by their dorsal cirri; -- called also feather

Few words of positivity

That’s the attractive thing about war,” said Rosewater. “Absolutely everybody gets a little something.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Slaughterhouse-Five

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the piglets do badly in school? They were all slow loiners.

linamnam TAGALOG

linamnam1 Definition: (noun) deliciousness; exquisite taste or savor

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A circular frame on which cadgers carry hawks for sale.

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shower ENGLISH

That which resembles a shower in falling or passing through the air copiously and rapidly.

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honeydew ENGLISH

A kind of tobacco moistened with molasses.

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bisaleg ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to have an acute pain: said of the abdomen or stomach. Agbisaleg toy tian ko. My stomach has …

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bestead ENGLISH

To serve; to assist; to profit; to avail.

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jabber ENGLISH

One who jabbers.

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cringe ENGLISH

To draw one's self together as in fear or servility; to bend or crouch with base humility; to wince; hence; …

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fusarole ENGLISH

A molding generally placed under the echinus or quarter round of capitals in the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders of …

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The town residence of a nobleman or distinguished person; as, Leicester Inn.

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pallot ILOKANO

v. /MAKI-: KA-/ to match one’s gamecock with that of (another). Mapanak makipallot ken ni Berto. I am going to …

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exilic ENGLISH

Pertaining to exile or banishment, esp. to that of the Jews in Babylon.

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pangalayo HILIGAYNON

pangaláyo - Freq. of kaláyo. To attend to the—fire,—hearth,—cooking. Kamó lang ang matánum, kay akó sing ákon mangaláyo. You go …

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Legal; warranted or author-ized by the law; having the qualifications prescribed by law; not contrary to nor for-bidden by the …

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iróhan - From íro—to bear, stand. See ídwan id.

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gorgonian ENGLISH

One of the Gorgoniacea.

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bádang - To practise, inure, train, accustom to, make used to. Nabádang na siá sa pagtabakô, pag-inúm sing bíno, paghámbal …

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