"Collatione Facta. Uni Post Mortem Alterius" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Collatione Facta. Uni Post Mortem Alterius LAW AND LEGAL

A writ directed to justices of the common pleas, commanding them to issue their writ to the bisbop, for tbe admission of a clerk in the place of ain-other presented by the crown, where there had been a demise of the crown during a salt; for judgment once passed for the king’s clerk, and he dying before admittance, the

Few words of positivity

There is Soul within you and if you have the faith in It everything in this world will be available to you.

Dada Bhagwan

Laugh your heart out.

One morning while making breakfast, a man walked up to his wife and pinched her on her butt and said, "You know if you firmed this up we could get rid of your girdle." While this was on the edge of intolerable, she thought herself better and replied with silence. The next morning the man woke his wife with a pinch on the breast and said, "You know if you firmed these up we could get rid of your bra." This was beyond a silent response, so she rolled over and grabbed him by the penis. With a death grip in place she said, "You know if you firmed this up we could get rid of the postman, the gardener, the poolman and your brother.

For the admitting of the clerk. A writ ln the nature of an execution, commanding the bishop to admit hls …

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Admittendo Clerico LAW AND LEGAL

A writ of execution upon a right of presentation to a benefice being recovered ln quare impedit, addressed to the …

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An ancient writ, that lay for the dellvery to his ordinary of a clerk convicted of felony, where the ordinary …

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Clerks in the chancery of-flce, whose duties consisted in drawing up those writs which were of course, de cures, whence …

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In English practice. A writ of prohibition that lies for a patron of a church, whose clerk is sued in …

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Inns Of Chancery LAW AND LEGAL

So called be-cause anciently inhabited by such clerks as chiefly studied the framing of writs, which regularly belonged to the …

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Lat. In ecclesiastical law. The name of a prohibitory writ, di-rected to the bishop, at the request of the plaintiff …

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A writ, addressed to a bishop, charging him not to molest a clerk employed ln the royal servlce, by reason …

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A writ prohibiting nn ordinary to take a pecuniary mulct imposed on a clerk of the sovereign for nonresidence. Reg. …

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Permutatione LAW AND LEGAL

A writ to an ordi-nary, commanding him to admit a clerk to a benefice upon exchange made with another. Reg. …

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Prsoeptores LAW AND LEGAL

I>at. Masters. The chief clerks in chancery were formerly so called, because they had the direction of mak-lng out remedial …

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Quare Incumbravit LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A writ which lay against a bishop who, within six months after the vacation of a benefice, …

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Quare Non Admibit LAW AND LEGAL

In Engllsh law. A writ to recover damages against a bishop who does not admit a plaintifTs clerk. It is, …

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A writ to exempt a clerk of the chahcery from the contribution to-wards the proctors of the clergy in parlia-ment, …

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Riding Clerk LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. one of the six clerks ln chancery who, ln hls turn for one year, kept the controlment …

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A writ for a clerk to recover his lands, goods, and chattels, formerly seized, after he had cleared himself of …

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Writ Of Associatton LAW AND LEGAL

In English practice. A writ whereby certaln persons (usually the clerk of assize and his sub-ordinate officers) are directed to …

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