"Cluttering" is a word in ENGLISH

cluttering ENGLISH

of Clutter

Few words of positivity

For your information, Lester, there are at least five wonderful parts of the female body that can be viewed by the owner only with a hand mirror.'And as they stared after me, I went regally back down the hallway and up the stairs to Dad's room.

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross a nun and a chicken? A pecking order.

clutter ENGLISH

To clot or coagulate, as blood.

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clutter ENGLISH

To make a confused noise; to bustle.

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clutter ENGLISH

Clatter; confused noise.

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clutter ENGLISH

To crowd together in disorder; to fill or cover with things in disorder; to throw into disorder; to disarrange; as, …

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clutter ENGLISH

A confused collection; hence, confusion; disorder; as, the room is in a clutter.

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