"Clustery" is a word in ENGLISH

clustery ENGLISH

Growing in, or full of, clusters; like clusters.

Few words of positivity

Things I learned from a man called “The Nazarene” 1- Being poor does not equal being miserable.2- People will judge you, but their judgment should not define who you are.3- Going against what others hold as true is not necessarily a bad thing. 4- Everyone is sacred. 5- Life is sometimes a lonely and dry place, like desert, but those times are there to help us meditate on what is truly important in our lives.6- Complaining or getting angry because there is a storm in our lives solves nothing; embrace the storm and keep calm. 7- Treasure and protect the children of the world, they hold the key of what is pure and innocent; they are the way to freedom. 8- We are free to be who we want to be, it is our choice to be slaves or kings. 9- Fear nothing.10- The person you don’t like is also your neighbor. 11- The words following “I AM” define who we are, we must choose wisely.

Martin Suarez

Laugh your heart out.

A little boy came downstairs crying late one night. ' What's wrong ?' asked his mother. Do people really come from dust, like they said in church ? he sobbed. 'In a way they do,' said his mother. ' And when they die do the turn back to dust ?'. 'Yes, they do.' The little boy began to cry again. ' Well, under my bed there's someone either coming or going !'

acervate ENGLISH

Heaped, or growing in heaps, or closely compacted clusters.

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ápol - To swarm, cluster, mass, to be thick, dense, close together, hang together in clusters. Nagaápol gid lang ang …

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A spheroidal body growing from a plant either above or below the ground (usually below), which is strictly a bud, …

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A collection, cluster, or tuft, properly of things of the same kind, growing or fastened together; as, a bunch of …

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cluster ENGLISH

To grow in clusters or assemble in groups; to gather or unite in a cluster or clusters.

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cluster ENGLISH

A number of things of the same kind growing together; a bunch.

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cocoa palm ENGLISH

A palm tree producing the cocoanut (Cocos nucifera). It grows in nearly all tropical countries, attaining a height of sixty …

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fascicled ENGLISH

Growing in a bundle, tuft, or close cluster; as, the fascicled leaves of the pine or larch; the fascicled roots …

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A well-known edible berry growing in pendent clusters or bunches on the grapevine. The berries are smooth-skinned, have a juicy …

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gúlus - (H) Rash, eruption, cluster of small pustules or pimples; to form pustules, etc.; to begin to bear fruit, …

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A single cluster or group of plants growing close together, and having the earth heaped up about them; as, a …

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kupungkupung CEBUANO

kupungkupung, kupungkúpung n thick and dense plant or a cluster of plants. Mitágù siya sa kupungkupung, He hid in the …

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laminaria ENGLISH

A genus of great seaweeds with long and broad fronds; kelp, or devil's apron. The fronds commonly grow in clusters, …

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loquat ENGLISH

The fruit of the Japanese medlar (Photinia Japonica). It is as large as a small plum, but grows in clusters, …

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lungáw - A group or cluster dependent on a principal group; to appear or grow in a group in the …

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púsgò - A mass, cluster; to form a— compact mass,—cluster, to be near—, close—, to come or gather close—, together, …

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quillwort ENGLISH

Any plant or species of the genus Isoetes, cryptogamous plants with a cluster of elongated four-tubed rushlike leaves, rising from …

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racemose ENGLISH

Resembling a raceme; growing in the form of a raceme; as, (Bot.) racemose berries or flowers; (Anat.) the racemose glands, …

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shallot ENGLISH

A small kind of onion (Allium Ascalonicum) growing in clusters, and ready for gathering in spring; a scallion, or eschalot.

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staggerbush ENGLISH

An American shrub (Andromeda Mariana) having clusters of nodding white flowers. It grows in low, sandy places, and is said …

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