"Clubbable" is a word in ENGLISH

clubbable ENGLISH

Suitable for membership in a club; sociable.

Few words of positivity

I hear you're quite the writer. Quite the teacher's pet.""I... I don't know what you mean.""No? The maybe you're in for a surprise. A maybe it won't be a nice one."Kate heard her voice lashing out, braver than she felt."I don't know what you're talking about. But nothing that pertains to me is any of your business.'The match hissed again. She saw his black, black eyes flickering."You're right. How inconsiderate of me."Shaken, Kate willed her feet to move her forward."You should be more careful," Pearce said. "Anyone could find your key. Anyone could get into your cabin."Kate whirled to face him. "I have a roommate. I'm not alone.""A roommate?" And he sounded like he was smiling... a dark strange smile as if she'd said something particularly funny. "If someone wanted to get you," Pearce said slowly, and another match went out, "a roommate wouldn't stop them. They'd just get you. Wouldn't they?

Richie Tankersley Cusick, Teacher's Pet

Laugh your heart out.

Why won't a witch wear a flat cap? Because there's no point in it.

christcross ENGLISH

The beginning and the ending.

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calumniator ENGLISH

One who calumniates.

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tulala CEBUANO

tulala, tulála (not without l) a idiot. v [B12; b6] be a moron or like one.

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mungungulipon HILIGAYNON

mungungulipón - Slave-holder, slavedriver, tyrant, subjugator, conqueror, one who subjects another to slavery or drudgery. (cf. olípon).

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oracular ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an oracle; uttering oracles; forecasting the future; as, an oracular tongue.

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iliktruniku CEBUANO

iliktruniku n electronics.

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huthut CEBUANO

huthut v [A; b5] drain, exhaust s. o. s wealth. Muhuthut sa katigayúnan ang súgal, Gambling drains o? ones resources. …

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pangáon - Freq. of káon—to eat, take food, etc. Nagapangáon— or—nagapangináon silá. They are taking food, are having a meal. …

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bilocular ENGLISH

Divided into two cells or compartments; as, a bilocular pericarp.

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A large species of barbel (Barbus bynni), found in the Nile, and much esteemed for food.

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damílit - Farewell, valediction, goodbye, leave-taking; to take one’s departure, take one’s leave, say adieu, bid goodbye. Nagdamílit (nagpanamílit) siá …

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A large flatboat used on Western American rivers to transport produce to market.

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A tract covered with bay trees.

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Same as Electrogeny.

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blowtube ENGLISH

A similar instrument, commonly of tin, used by boys for discharging paper wads and other light missiles.

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platin ENGLISH
divestible ENGLISH

Capable of being divested.

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