"Clownage" is a word in ENGLISH

clownage ENGLISH

Behavior or manners of a clown; clownery.

Few words of positivity

Men are like wine - some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.

Pope John XXIII

Laugh your heart out.

Where did the mooron take the baby cow to eat? To the calf-ateria!


asal Definition: (noun) custom, habit, behavior, manners

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batasan CEBUANO

batásan n {1} custom, usual way of acting. Batásan námung mangadyì únà mangáun, Its our custom to pray before eating. …

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bearing ENGLISH

The manner in which one bears or conducts one's self; mien; behavior; carriage.

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behavior ENGLISH

Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; mode of conducting one's self; conduct; deportment; carriage; -- used also of inanimate …

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Manner of behaving, whether good or bad; conduct; manners; carriage of one’s self, with respect to pro-priety and morals; deportment, …

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boyishness ENGLISH

The manners or behavior of a boy.

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breeding ENGLISH

Deportment or behavior in the external offices and decorums of social life; manners; knowledge of, or training in, the ceremonies, …

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carriage ENGLISH

The manner of carrying one's self; behavior; bearing; deportment; personal manners.

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clownishness ENGLISH

The manners of a clown; coarseness or rudeness of behavior.

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comport ENGLISH

Manner of acting; behavior; conduct; deportment.

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comportment ENGLISH

Manner of acting; behavior; bearing.

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conduct ENGLISH

The manner of guiding or carrying one's self; personal deportment; mode of action; behavior.

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course ENGLISH

Method of procedure; manner or way of conducting; conduct; behavior.

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dahay n sighs, bewailing of misfortune. v [A; b3] moan, bewail ones misfortune. Midahay siya sa dautan níyang gidangátan, She …

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decorum ENGLISH

Propriety of manner or conduct; grace arising from suitableness of speech and behavior to one's own character, or to the …

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delicacy ENGLISH

Nice propriety of manners or conduct; susceptibility or tenderness of feeling; refinement; fastidiousness; and hence, in an exaggerated sense, effeminacy; …

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delicate ENGLISH

Refined; gentle; scrupulous not to trespass or offend; considerate; -- said of manners, conduct, or feelings; as, delicate behavior; delicate …

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deportment ENGLISH

Manner of deporting or demeaning one's self; manner of acting; conduct; carriage; especially, manner of acting with respect to the …

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discourtesy ENGLISH

Rudeness of behavior or language; ill manners; manifestation of disrespect; incivility.

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Freedom from constraint, formality, difficulty, embarrassment, etc.; facility; liberty; naturalness; -- said of manner, style, etc.; as, ease of style, …

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