"Circumagitate" is a word in ENGLISH

circumagitate ENGLISH

To agitate on all sides.

Few words of positivity

You were born a winner you decide whether you remain one or not.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Laugh your heart out.

What would happen if tarantulas were as big as horses ?If one bit you, you could ride it to hospital !

adjutator ENGLISH

A corruption of Agitator.

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aestuous ENGLISH

Glowing; agitated, as with heat.

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aflutter ENGLISH

In a flutter; agitated.

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agitable ENGLISH

Capable of being agitated, or easily moved.

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agitate ENGLISH

To move or actuate.

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agitate ENGLISH

To discuss with great earnestness; to debate; as, a controversy hotly agitated.

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agitate ENGLISH

To revolve in the mind, or view in all its aspects; to contrive busily; to devise; to plot; as, politicians …

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agitate ENGLISH

To stir up; to disturb or excite; to perturb; as, he was greatly agitated.

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agitate ENGLISH

To move with a violent, irregular action; as, the wind agitates the sea; to agitate water in a vessel.

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agitatedly ENGLISH

In an agitated manner.

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agitation ENGLISH

Examination or consideration of a subject in controversy, or of a plan proposed for adoption; earnest discussion; debate.

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agitation ENGLISH

Excitement of public feeling by discussion, appeals, etc.; as, the antislavery agitation; labor agitation.

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agitation ENGLISH

A stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquillity; disturbance of mind which shows itself by physical excitement; perturbation; as, to …

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agitation ENGLISH

The act of agitating, or the state of being agitated; the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular …

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agitative ENGLISH

Tending to agitate.

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agitator ENGLISH

An implement for shaking or mixing.

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agitator ENGLISH

One of a body of men appointed by the army, in Cromwell's time, to look after their interests; -- called …

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agitator ENGLISH

One who agitates; one who stirs up or excites others; as, political reformers and agitators.

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