"Cinnoline" is a word in ENGLISH

cinnoline ENGLISH

A nitrogenous organic base, C8H6N2, analogous to
quinoline, obtained from certain complex diazo compounds.

Few words of positivity

Curious that a man as selfish as he should be offering himself to the service of dead dogs. There must be other, more productive ways of giving oneself to the world, or to an idea of the world... But there are other people to do these things - the animal welfare thing, the social rehabilitation thing, even the Byron thing. He saves the honour of corpses because there is no one else stupid enough to do it.

J.M. Coetzee, Disgrace

Laugh your heart out.

It had been snowing for hours when an announcement came over the intercom: "Will the students who are parked on University Drive please move their cars so that we may being plowing." Twenty minutes later there was another announcement: "Will the nine hundred students who went to move fourteen cars return to class."

aethogen ENGLISH

A compound of nitrogen and boro/, which, when heated before the blowpipe, gives a brilliant phosphorescent; boric nitride.

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albumin ENGLISH

A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum …

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ammonia ENGLISH

A gaseous compound of hydrogen and nitrogen, NH3, with a pungent smell and taste: -- often called volatile alkali, and …

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amyloid ENGLISH

A non-nitrogenous starchy food; a starchlike substance.

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asparagine ENGLISH

A white, nitrogenous, crystallizable substance, C4H8N2O3+H2O, found in many plants, and first obtained from asparagus. It is believed to aid …

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Applied loosely to compounds having nitrogen variously combined, as in cyanides, nitrates, etc.

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Now especially applied to compounds containing a two atom nitrogen group uniting two hydrocarbon radicals, as in azobenzene, azobenzoic, etc. …

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Same as Nitrogen.

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azotic ENGLISH

Pertaining to azote, or nitrogen; formed or consisting of azote; nitric; as, azotic gas; azotic acid.

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azotize ENGLISH

To impregnate with azote, or nitrogen; to nitrogenize.

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azotometer ENGLISH

An apparatus for measuring or determining the proportion of nitrogen; a nitrometer.

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betaine ENGLISH

A nitrogenous base, C5H11NO2, produced artificially, and also occurring naturally in beet-root molasses and its residues, from which it is …

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biuret ENGLISH

A white, crystalline, nitrogenous substance, C2O2N3H5, formed by heating urea. It is intermediate between urea and cyanuric acid.

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cacodyl ENGLISH

Alkarsin; a colorless, poisonous, arsenical liquid, As2(CH3)4, spontaneously inflammable and possessing an intensely disagreeable odor. It is the type of …

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carbazotic ENGLISH

Containing, or derived from, carbon and nitrogen.

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carnin ENGLISH

A white crystalline nitrogenous substance, found in extract of meat, and related to xanthin.

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cerealin ENGLISH

A nitrogenous substance closely resembling diastase, obtained from bran, and possessing the power of converting starch into dextrin, sugar, and …

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cerebrin ENGLISH

A nonphosphorized, nitrogenous substance, obtained from brain and nerve tissue by extraction with boiling alcohol. It is uncertain whether it …

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cerebrose ENGLISH

A sugarlike body obtained by the decomposition of the nitrogenous non-phosphorized principles of the brain.

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chondrin ENGLISH

A colorless, amorphous, nitrogenous substance, tasteless and odorless, formed from cartilaginous tissue by long-continued action of boiling water. It is …

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