"Cibarious" is a word in ENGLISH

cibarious ENGLISH

Pertaining to food; edible.

Few words of positivity

He that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.


Laugh your heart out.

If six children and two dogs were under an umbrella, how come none of them got wet?Because it wasn't raining.

alimentary ENGLISH

Pertaining to aliment or food, or to the function of nutrition; nutritious; alimental; as, alimentary substances.

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eupeptic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to good digestion; easy of digestion; having a good digestion; as, eupeptic food; an eupeptic man.

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láwas n {1} body of human or animal. taput the clothes on ones back. Ang ákung nasalbr sa súnug ang …

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macaronic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or like, macaroni (originally a dish of mixed food); hence, mixed; confused; jumbled.

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nutritive ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to nutrition; as, the nutritive functions; having the quality of nourishing; nutritious; nutrimental; alimental; as, nutritive food …

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pabular ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or fit for, pabulum or food; affording food.

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scorpaenoid ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the family Scorpaenidae, which includes the scorpene, the rosefish, the California rockfishes, and many other food …

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