"Chyme" is a word in ENGLISH


The pulpy mass of semi-digested food in the small intestines
just after its passage from the stomach. It is separated in the
intestines into chyle and excrement. See Chyle.

Few words of positivity

There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.

Karl Marx, Capital, Vol 1: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the women cross the road? Well thats not the point what is she doing out of the kitchen?!!!

A group of intestinal worms, having the proboscis armed with recurved spines.

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agminated ENGLISH

Grouped together; as, the agminated glands of Peyer in the small intestine.

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alvine ENGLISH

Of, from, in, or pertaining to, the belly or the intestines; as, alvine discharges; alvine concretions.

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ambergris ENGLISH

A substance of the consistence of wax, found floating in the Indian Ocean and other parts of the tropics, and …

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ananamsi CEBUANO

ananamsi n k. o. small timber tree. anananggal n k. o. unglù who, when under his supernatural spell, detaches the …

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anenterous ENGLISH

Destitute of a stomach or an intestine.

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anthelmintic ENGLISH

Good against intestinal worms.

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Opposed to, or checking motion; acting upward; -- applied to an inverted action of the intestinal tube.

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n. intestinal worm.

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ascarid ENGLISH

A parasitic nematoid worm, espec. the roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, often occurring in the human intestine, and allied species found in …

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atrium ENGLISH

A cavity in ascidians into which the intestine and generative ducts open, and which also receives the water from the …

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n. intestine, bowel, entrail, gut. --see SILET.

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balitadhan HILIGAYNON

balitádhan - A vine, whose fruit is used as a remedy against intestinal worms.

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That part of the human body which extends downward from the breast to the thighs, and contains the bowels, or …

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bezoar ENGLISH

A calculous concretion found in the intestines of certain ruminant animals (as the wild goat, the gazelle, and the Peruvian …

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A yellow, or greenish, viscid fluid, usually alkaline in reaction, secreted by the liver. It passes into the intestines, where …

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bítok - An intestinal worm. (cf. bítos id.).

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bitókon - Pertaining to, afflicted with, intestinal worms, one that has worms. (bítok). bitayán – bóg-oy bitóla, (Sp. bitola) Measure, …

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bítos - See bítok—an intestinal worm.

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bituka TAGALOG

bituka Definition: (noun) intestine

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