"Churchwarden" is a word in ENGLISH

churchwarden ENGLISH

One of the officers (usually two) in an Episcopal
church, whose duties vary in different dioceses, but always include the
provision of what is necessary for the communion service.

churchwarden ENGLISH

A clay tobacco pipe, with a long tube.

Few words of positivity

One's desire to be alone, biologists have found, is partially genetic and to some degree measurable. If you have low levels of the pituitary peptide oxytocin--sometimes called the master chemical of sociability-- and high quantities of the hormone vasopressin, which may suppress your need for affection, you tend to require fewer interpersonal relationships.

Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

Laugh your heart out.

Examiner: I think you know very little, if anything at all, about the Bible. Can you quote any passage? Student: 'Judas departed and went and hanged himself.' Examiner: Well, that's a surprise. Can you quote another? Student: 'Go thou and do likewise.'

abbreviator ENGLISH

One of a college of seventy-two officers of the papal court whose duty is to make a short minute of …

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ablegate ENGLISH

A representative of the pope charged with important commissions in foreign countries, one of his duties being to bring to …

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absentee ENGLISH

One who absents himself from his country, office, post, or duty; especially, a landholder who lives in another country or …

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accountant ENGLISH

One who is skilled in, keeps, or adjusts, accounts; an officer in a public office, who has charge of the …

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A declaration or avowal of one's own act, to give it legal validity; as, the acknowledgment of a deed before …

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To behave or conduct, as in morals, private duties, or public offices; to bear or deport one's self; as, we …

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A term employed to designate a locum tenens who ls performing the duties of an office to which he does …

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In the mean time. An oflicer ad interim is one appointed to fill a temporary vacancy, or to discharge the …

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To allow (one) to enter on an office or to enjoy a privilege; to recognize as qualified for a franchise; …

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agency ENGLISH

The office of an agent, or factor; the relation between a principal and his agent; business of one intrusted with …

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ahénsya - (Sp. agencia) Agency, an agent’s office; pawnbroker’s shop, an agent’s or commissioner’s bureau, especially one for the advancing …

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alderman ENGLISH

One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. …

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aleconner ENGLISH

Orig., an officer appointed to look to the goodness of ale and beer; also, one of the officers chosen by …

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annunciator ENGLISH

One who announces. Specifically: An officer in the church of Constantinople, whose business it was to inform the people of …

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Apocrisarius LAW AND LEGAL

In ecclesiastical law. one who answers for another. An officer whose duty was to carry to the emperor mes-sages relating …

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appointment ENGLISH

The state of being appointed to som/ service or office; an office to which one is appointed; station; position; an, …

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apposer ENGLISH

An examiner; one whose business is to put questions. Formerly, in the English Court of Exchequer, an officer who audited …

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L. Lat In ecclesiastical law. one whose office It was to give or convey answers; otherwise termed regpon-galig, and apuerigiarins. …

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A collection or body of men armed for war, esp. one organized in companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, and divisions, under …

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arrayer ENGLISH

One who arrays. In some early English statutes, applied to an officer who had care of the soldiers' armor, and …

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