"Chromogenic" is a word in ENGLISH

chromogenic ENGLISH

Containing, or capable of forming, chromogen; as,
chromogenic bacteria.

Few words of positivity

I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion - I have shuddered at it. I shudder no more - I could be martyred for my religion - Love is my religion - I could die for that.

John Keats

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the elephant eat the candle ?For light refreshment !

chromatophore ENGLISH

A contractile cell or vesicle containing liquid pigment and capable of changing its form or size, thus causing changes of …

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containable ENGLISH

Capable of being contained or comprised.

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cubical ENGLISH

Having the form or properties of a cube; contained, or capable of being contained, in a cube.

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dormitory ENGLISH

A sleeping room, or a building containing a series of sleeping rooms; a sleeping apartment capable of containing many beds; …

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1. A model or skeleton of an Instrument to’be used in a judicial proceeding, containing the principal necessary matters, the …

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incapable ENGLISH

Wanting in ability or qualification for the purpose or end in view; not large enough to contain or hold; deficient …

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Not capable of being contained within limits.

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Intoxioating Liquor LAW AND LEGAL

Any liquor used as a beverage, and which, when so used in sufficient quantities, ordinarily or com-monly produces entire of …

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leucophyll ENGLISH

A colorless substance isomeric with chlorophyll, contained in parts of plants capable of becoming green.

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malíndog - A large rice-container of woven bamboo, capable of holding as much as thirty bushels or even more, but …

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proglottis ENGLISH

One of the free, or nearly free, segments of a tapeworm. It contains both male and female reproductive organs, and …

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window ENGLISH

An opening in the wall of a building for the admission of light and air, usually closed by casements or …

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