"Chouicha" is a word in ENGLISH

chouicha ENGLISH

The salmon of the Columbia River or California. See

Few words of positivity

Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.

John Wesley

Laugh your heart out.

How did Gertie Gorilla win the beauty contest?She was the beast of the show!

anadromous ENGLISH

Ascending rivers from the sea, at certain seasons, for breeding, as the salmon, shad, etc.

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bítbit - To carry in one’s hand (a handbag or the like). Bitbitá ang pinutús. Carry the parcel in your …

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blackfish ENGLISH

The female salmon in the spawning season.

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blueback ENGLISH

A salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) of the Columbia River and northward.

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bluepoll ENGLISH

A kind of salmon (Salmo Cambricus) found in Wales.

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botcher ENGLISH

A young salmon; a grilse.

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branlin ENGLISH

A young salmon or parr, in the stage in which it has transverse black bands, as if burned by a …

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bull trout ENGLISH

In England, a large salmon trout of several species, as Salmo trutta and S. Cambricus, which ascend rivers; -- called …

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bull trout ENGLISH

The huso or salmon of the Danube.

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cabrilla ENGLISH

A name applied to various species of edible fishes of the genus Serranus, and related genera, inhabiting the Meditarranean, the …

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calver ENGLISH

To crimp; as, calvered salmon.

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calver ENGLISH

To cut in slices and pickle, as salmon.

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catanadromous ENGLISH

Ascending and descending fresh streams from and to the sea, as the salmon; anadromous.

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ceratodus ENGLISH

A genus of ganoid fishes, of the order Dipnoi, first known as Mesozoic fossil fishes; but recently two living species …

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One of the several species of fishes of the genus Salvelinus, allied to the spotted trout and salmon, inhabiting deep …

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cruive ENGLISH

A kind of weir or dam for trapping salmon; also, a hovel.

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cycloidei ENGLISH

An order of fishes, formerly proposed by Agassiz, for those with thin, smooth scales, destitute of marginal spines, as the …

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fingerling ENGLISH

A young salmon. See Parr.

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forktail ENGLISH

A salmon in its fourth year's growth.

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To strike with a gaff or barbed spear; to secure by means of a gaff; as, to gaff a salmon.

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