"Chondro-" is a word in ENGLISH

chondro- ENGLISH

A combining form meaning a grain, granular, granular
cartilage, cartilaginous; as, the chondrocranium, the cartilaginous
skull of the lower vertebrates and of embryos.

Few words of positivity

Foolish potato, talking to her like that won’t work. You’ve got to be mean and show off your foil-wrapped rigidity.

Michael Diack, The Super Spud Trilogy

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.

bangkera ILOKANO

var. of BANGGERA.

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See Capuchin, 3 (a).

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panákas - To go on land, to land, go away from the sea, leave the sea-coast or the bank of …

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quindism ENGLISH
matang CEBUANO

matang humorous euphemism for matay, exclamation.

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figure ENGLISH

A horoscope; the diagram of the aspects of the astrological houses.

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salabusab ILOKANO

adj. /(NA-)/ inconsiderate, thoughtless.

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accroach ENGLISH

To hook, or draw to one's self as with a hook.

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bark beetle ENGLISH

A small beetle of many species (family Scolytidae), which in the larval state bores under or in the bark of …

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animater ENGLISH

One who animates.

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illness ENGLISH

The condition of being ill, evil, or bad; badness; unfavorableness.

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alinsuub CEBUANO

alinsúub a warm, moist and stu? y without wind. Alinsúub ang panahun. Kauwanun tingáli, The weather is hot and stu? …

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Lat. Strength ; virtue; force; efficiency. Proprio vigore, by its own force

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insure ENGLISH

To underwrite; to make insurance; as, a company insures at three per cent.

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mental ENGLISH

A plate or scale covering the mentum or chin of a fish or reptile.

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misuse ENGLISH

To treat or use improperly; to use to a bad purpose; to misapply; as, to misuse one's talents.

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dámag v {1} [A; a12] for ghosts to molest people causing them to get sick or disturbed. Kalag nga wà …

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To convert any kind of prop-erty into money; but especially to receive the returns from an investment. See Bitti-ner v. …

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A picture printed in tints and colors by repeated impressions from a series of stones prepared by the lithographic process.

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