"Chilognath" is a word in ENGLISH

chilognath ENGLISH

A myriapod of the order Chilognatha.

Few words of positivity

When we practice self-compassion in our lives, we are compelled to be more understanding and accepting toward ourselves.

Jose Incer, Mastering Success: The Key to Self Empowerment and Higher Consciousness

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Did you hear Chrysler is introducing a new car to commemorate President Clinton's election?A: It's gonna be called the Dodge Drafter!

chilognatha ENGLISH

One of the two principal orders of myriapods. They have numerous segments, each bearing two pairs of small, slender legs, …

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chilopod ENGLISH

A myriapod of the order Chilopoda.

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chilopoda ENGLISH

One of the orders of myriapods, including the centipeds. They have a single pair of elongated legs attached laterally to …

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diplopoda ENGLISH

An order of myriapods having two pairs of legs on each segment; the Chilognatha.

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earwig ENGLISH

In America, any small chilopodous myriapod, esp. of the genus Geophilus.

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funiculus ENGLISH

A short cord which connects the embryo of some myriapods with the amnion.

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galley-worm ENGLISH

A chilognath myriapod of the genus Iulus, and allied genera, having numerous short legs along the sides; a milliped or …

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hexapoda ENGLISH

The true, or six-legged, insects; insects other than myriapods and arachnids.

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iulidan ENGLISH

One of the Iulidae, a family of myriapods, of which the genus Iulus is the type. See Iulus.

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A genus of chilognathous myriapods. The body is long and round, consisting of numerous smooth, equal segments, each of which …

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milleped ENGLISH

A myriapod with many legs, esp. a chilognath, as the galleyworm.

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multiped ENGLISH

An insect having many feet, as a myriapod.

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multisect ENGLISH

Divided into many similar segments; -- said of an insect or myriapod.

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myriapod ENGLISH

One of the Myriapoda.

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pauropoda ENGLISH

An order of small myriapods having only nine pairs of legs and destitute of tracheae.

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pillworm ENGLISH

Any myriapod of the genus Iulus and allied genera which rolls up spirally; a galleyworm. See Illust. under Myriapod.

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A combining form or suffix from Gr. poy`s, podo`s, foot; as, decapod, an animal having ten feet; phyllopod, an animal …

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polypode ENGLISH

An animal having many feet; a myriapod.

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scolopendra ENGLISH

A genus of venomous myriapods including the centipeds. See Centiped.

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scutiger ENGLISH

Any species of chilopod myriapods of the genus Scutigera. They sometimes enter buildings and prey upon insects.

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