"Chemistry" is a word in ENGLISH

chemistry ENGLISH

A treatise on chemistry.

chemistry ENGLISH

That branch of science which treats of the composition
of substances, and of the changes which they undergo in consequence of
alterations in the constitution of the molecules, which depend upon
variations of the number, kind, or mode of arrangement, of the
constituent atoms. These atoms are not assumed to be indivisible, but
merely the finest grade of subdivision hitherto attained. Chemistry
deals with the changes in the composition and constitution of
molecules. See Atom, Molecule.

chemistry ENGLISH

An application of chemical theory and method to the
consideration of some particular subject; as, the chemistry of iron;
the chemistry of indigo.

Few words of positivity

Love and violence always go hand in hand. You can only ever truly hurt those you love. You must love them first to hurt them, to damage them beyond any hope of recovery, and for your actions to burn and linger, they too must love you back.

Ava Farmehri, Through the Sad Wood Our Corpses Will Hang

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Bed !Bed who ?Bed you can't guess who I am!


The general name of substances used in medicine; any substance, vegetable, animal, or mineral, used in the composition or preparation …

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zoochemistry ENGLISH

Animal chemistry; particularly, the description of the chemical compounds entering into the composition of the animal body, in distinction from …

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