"Ceratine" is a word in ENGLISH

ceratine ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Its time we woke up,” pursued Gerald, still inwardly urged to unfamiliar speech. “Women are pretty much people, seems to me. I know they dress like fools - but who’s to blame for that? We invent all those idiotic hats of theirs, and design their crazy fashions, and what’s more, if a woman is courageous enough to wear common-sense clothes - and shoes - which of us wants to dance with her?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories

Laugh your heart out.

How do warty witches keep their hair out of place? With scare spray.

casuistry ENGLISH

Sophistical, equivocal, or false reasoning or teaching in regard to duties, obligations, and morals.

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cavillation ENGLISH

Frivolous or sophistical objection.

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cheap Definition: Tagalog slang for: 1. low-class, without sophistication, lowly; 2. playboy, playgirl 2 Definition: (salitang balbal) hamak, mababa ang …

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chipipay TAGALOG

chipipay Definition: Tagalog slang for low-class, not sophisticated, cheap 2 Definition: (salitang balbal) mababang uri, hamak, hindi klas

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crocodility ENGLISH

A caption or sophistical mode of arguing.

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idukar CEBUANO

idukar v [AP; a] {1} educate. Idukahun sa gubyirnu ang mga wáy alámag, The government will educate the illiterates. {2} …

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kural n fence, enclosure. v [A; b5] fence s.t. in. Kinsay nagkural ug tunukung alambri sa misítas? Who put barbed …

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To refute; to disprove; as, to refel the tricks of a sophister.

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senior ENGLISH

One in the fourth or final year of his collegiate course at an American college; -- originally called senior sophister; …

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sophism ENGLISH

The doctrine or mode of reasoning practiced by a sophist; hence, any fallacy designed to deceive.

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sophist ENGLISH

One of a class of men who taught eloquence, philosophy, and politics in ancient Greece; especially, one of those who, …

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sophist ENGLISH

Hence, an impostor in argument; a captious or fallacious reasoner.

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sophister ENGLISH

A sophist. See Sophist.

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sophister ENGLISH

To maintain by sophistry, or by a fallacious argument.

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sophister ENGLISH

A student who is advanced beyond the first year of his residence.

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sophistic ENGLISH

Alt. of Sophistical

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sophistical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a sophist; embodying sophistry; fallaciously subtile; not sound.

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sophisticate ENGLISH

Alt. of Sophisticated

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sophisticate ENGLISH

To render worthless by admixture; to adulterate; to damage; to pervert; as, to sophisticate wine.

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