"Cavity" is a word in ENGLISH

cavity ENGLISH


cavity ENGLISH

A hollow place; a hollow; as, the abdominal cavity.

Few words of positivity

Charisma is the fragrance of soul.

Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Laugh your heart out.

Q. How did a blind girl burn her fingers?A. Reading the waffle iron

agubhub CEBUANO

agubhub n hollow thudding sound. v [A] resound with hol-low thudding sound. Miagubhub ang platapurma nga ílang gisayáwan ug tiniil, …

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airometer ENGLISH

A hollow cylinder to contain air. It is closed above and open below, and has its open end plunged into …

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alimpasong HILIGAYNON

alimpásong - A hollow, a shallow depression in the soil, in a floor, etc.; hollow, depressed, lower than the surrounding …

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alveary ENGLISH

The hollow of the external ear.

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n. a kind of native sweet made of glutinous rice powder which is cooked in lard until it swells and …

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aneurism ENGLISH

A soft, pulsating, hollow tumor, containing blood, arising from the preternatural dilation or rupture of the coats of an artery.

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apophyge ENGLISH

The small hollow curvature given to the top or bottom of the shaft of a column where it expands to …

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archiblastula ENGLISH

A hollow blastula, supposed to be the primitive form; a c/loblastula.

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argand lamp ENGLISH

A lamp with a circular hollow wick and glass chimney which allow a current of air both inside and outside …

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armpit ENGLISH

The hollow beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder; the axilla.

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atay-atay CEBUANO

atay-átay n {1} pit of the stomach. {2} the hollow or fleshy part of the palm and its analogue in …

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bagubhu CEBUANO

bagubhu n deep, hollow sound produced by rapping s.t. v [B46] make a deep, hollow sound. Mibagubhu ang ákung bukubuku …

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balikáw - A very slender bamboo. Its stem is non-hollow or solid like rattan, and climbs trees, etc. like a …

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ball-flower ENGLISH

An ornament resembling a ball placed in a circular flower, the petals of which form a cup round it, -- …

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bángbang - To widen by digging, to dig away earth, etc. Bangbangán mo ang lúblub, agúd magsángkad ang dálan. Widen …

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bangkal CEBUANO

bangkal n large tree of the secondary forest, hollow in the lower portion of the trunk: Nauclea orientalis.

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The margin of a watercourse; the rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea, or forming the edge of a …

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barker's mill ENGLISH

A machine, invented in the 17th century, worked by a form of reaction wheel. The water flows into a vertical …

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barkilyus CEBUANO

barkilyus n baked sweet made from flour, eggs, sugar and rolled into crisp hollow tubes. v [A; a] make barquillos.

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barrel ENGLISH

The hollow basal part of a feather.

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