"Caulicle" is a word in ENGLISH

caulicle ENGLISH

A short caulis or stem, esp. the rudimentary stem seen in
the embryo of seed; -- otherwise called a radicle.

Few words of positivity

The past is only making you to spill tears, tears of joy or tears pain. But anyway they are making you sad, for the things you had and will never have again.


Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the Egyptian man say to the Egyptian woman? A: "Come behind the pyramid, and I'll make you a mummy!"

aaron's rod ENGLISH

A plant with a tall flowering stem; esp. the great mullein, or hag-taper, and the golden-rod.

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abbreviation ENGLISH

One dash, or more, through the stem of a note, dividing it respectively into quavers, semiquavers, or demi-semiquavers.

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abu n {1} ashes. {2} = alabúhan. v {1} [A; a12] make ashes. Abuha nang mga palwa ug gam-ang sabun, …

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acaulescent ENGLISH

Having no stem or caulis, or only a very short one concealed in the ground.

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acrocarpous ENGLISH

Having the fruit stalks at the end of a leafy stem, as in certain mosses.

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adnate ENGLISH

Growing with one side adherent to a stem; -- a term applied to the lateral zooids of corals and other …

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adj. /NAG-/ many, much, plenty, numerous. Immay ti adu nga tao. Many people came. AG- [pt. NAG-, prp. AG- + …

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Having opposite leaves, as plants which have the leaves so arranged on the stem.

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A genus of plants (order Amaryllidaceae) of which the chief species is the maguey or century plant (A. Americana), wrongly …

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agiing ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ to be timid, shy, bashful. Saan ka nga umagiing. Don’t be shy. AGIN-+ R2, a verbalizing prefix with …

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ag--inn-ak ILOKANO

1. to do the action denoted by the stem to each other. Nagpinnakawan da. They forgave each other. 2. to …

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agnáya - A kind of vine and its stem used for binding purposes and wickerwork. agogóling – águd agogóling, The …

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alawihaw CEBUANO

alawíhaw = aluwíhaw. alawiswis (not without l) n {1} bamboo stem an inch around or less: the top part of …

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alternate ENGLISH

Distributed, as leaves, singly at different heights of the stem, and at equal intervals as respects angular divergence.

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alud-ud CEBUANO

alud-ud n {1} s.t. which has the chewing quality of soft bones: the tender part of a stem, the husk …

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amamakul CEBUANO

amamakul n k. o. edible mushroom that grows on decayed ba-nana stalks. It has a slender stem, thin skin, and …

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amplexicaul ENGLISH

Clasping or embracing a stem, as the base of some leaves.

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amursiku CEBUANO

amursíku n k. o. crab grass with long towering stems bearing barbed spikelets which adhere to the clothes: Andropogon aci-culatus. …

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ or /MANGI-: I-/ 1. to gather at the edge of table, floor, etc., e.g. dust. 2. to push …

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anadromous ENGLISH

Tending upwards; -- said of terns in which the lowest secondary segments are on the upper side of the branch …

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