"Catanadromous" is a word in ENGLISH

catanadromous ENGLISH

Ascending and descending fresh streams from and to
the sea, as the salmon; anadromous.

Few words of positivity

Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.

John Wesley

Laugh your heart out.

Person 1: It must be terrible for an opera singer to realize that he can never sing again.Person 2: Yes, but it's much more terrible if he doesn't realize it.

acclivity ENGLISH

A slope or inclination of the earth, as the side of a hill, considered as ascending, in opposition to declivity, …

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ascend ENGLISH

To move upward; to mount; to go up; to rise; -- opposed to descend.

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ascendant ENGLISH

An ancestor, or one who precedes in genealogy or degrees of kindred; a relative in the ascending line; a progenitor; …

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bánay n {1} immediate family consisting of parents and their children. {2} family consisting of ascendants, descendants, and lateral relations …

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declivity ENGLISH

Deviation from a horizontal line; gradual descent of surface; inclination downward; slope; -- opposed to acclivity, or ascent; the same …

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descend ENGLISH

To pass from a higher to a lower place; to move downwards; to come or go down in any way, …

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descendant ENGLISH

One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; -- correlative to ancestor or ascendant.

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Descendant LAW AND LEGAL

One who is descended from another; a person who proceeds from the body of another, such as a child, grandchild, …

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dúlhug - To descend, walk—, get—, go—, down a slope or inclined plane, go downhill. Sán-o ikáw magadúlhug sa bánwa? …

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gradation ENGLISH

A diatonic ascending or descending succession of chords.

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A graded ascending, descending, or level portion of a road; a gradient.

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himatâ - Blood relationship, family members, lineal descendants and ascendants; to be related by blood, come of the same stock, …

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A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person; a family or race; as, the ascending or …

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lineage ENGLISH

Descent in a line from a common progenitor; progeny; race; descending line of offspring or ascending line of parentage.

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To flow, as a liquid; to ascend or descend; to course; as, rivers run to the sea; sap runs up …

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The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.

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The graduated series of all the tones, ascending or descending, from the keynote to its octave; -- called also the …

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Gradation; succession of ascending and descending steps and degrees; progressive series; scheme of comparative rank or order; as, a scale …

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sol-fa ENGLISH

To sing the notes of the gamut, ascending or descending; as, do or ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, …

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One step of a series for ascending or descending to a different level; -- commonly applied to those within a …

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