"Castlebuilder" is a word in ENGLISH

castlebuilder ENGLISH

Fig.: one who builds castles in the air or forms
visionary schemes.

Few words of positivity

Hatred comes from the heart contempt from the head and neither feeling is quite within our control.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Anthea !Anthea who ?Anthea get home by 8 O'clock, or else !

attitude ENGLISH

Fig.: Position as indicating action, feeling, or mood; as, in times of trouble let a nation preserve a firm attitude; …

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The union or tie of the several stones or bricks forming a wall. The bricks may be arranged for this …

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bottle ENGLISH

Fig.: Intoxicating liquor; as, to drown one's reason in the bottle.

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clothe ENGLISH

Fig.: To cover or invest, as with a garment; as, to clothe one with authority or power.

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coachfellow ENGLISH

One of a pair of horses employed to draw a coach; hence (Fig.), a comrade.

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Fig.: One who goes deeply into a subject, study, or business.

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divest ENGLISH

Fig.: To strip; to deprive; to dispossess; as, to divest one of his rights or privileges; to divest one's self …

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epicene ENGLISH

Fig.: Sexless; neither one thing nor the other.

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A fig; an insignificant trifle, no more than the snap of one's thumb; a sign of contempt made by the …

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A genus of trees or shrubs, one species of which (F. Carica) produces the figs of commerce; the fig tree.

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glutton ENGLISH

Fig.: One who gluts himself.

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inflate ENGLISH

Fig.: To swell; to puff up; to elate; as, to inflate one with pride or vanity.

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inoculate ENGLISH

Fig.: To introduce into the mind; -- used especially of harmful ideas or principles; to imbue; as, to inoculate one …

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Fig. : One who is rapacious.

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kutam, kutam HILIGAYNON

kútam, kutám - To smack one’s lips; to talk, prate, prattle. Indì ka magkútam. Don’t smack your lips. Fig. Don’t …

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litter ENGLISH

The young brought forth at one time, by a sow or other multiparous animal, taken collectively. Also Fig.

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lottery ENGLISH

A scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance; esp., a gaming scheme in which one or more …

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A sudden roll of a ship to one side, as in heavy weather; hence, a swaying or staggering movement to …

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Fig.: A snare; an ambush; a stratagem; any device by which one may be caught unawares.

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vampire ENGLISH

Fig.: One who lives by preying on others; an extortioner; a bloodsucker.

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