"Caressingly" is a word in ENGLISH

caressingly ENGLISH

In caressing manner.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes, people can be extraordinarily judgmental and closed-minded to anyone different or special, which is why it's so hard for young people in this day and age to be comfortable enough in their own skin to not listen to the people picking on them.

Ariana Grande

Laugh your heart out.

What's Up, Doc? by Howie Dewin


ádò - (B) To caress, fondle, pet, play with. (cf. dálò, álò).

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ahós - To tease, to stroke or caress a child against its will, to pat or fondle a child averse …

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almoranas HILIGAYNON

almoránas - (Sp. almorranas) Piles, hemorrhoids. álò. Act of endearment, caressing, fondling; to caress, fondle, pet; to give children something …

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alô-álò - Dim. and Freq. of álò. To caress rather often or repeatedly, to caress now and then. (cf. harô-hárò, …

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aro-aro, aro-aro HILIGAYNON

aró-aro, arô-arò - (B) To play with, fondle, dandle, pet, caress. Aroaróha (arôaróa) ang bátà. Play with the baby. Fondle …

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To join bills, as doves; to caress in fondness.

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billing ENGLISH

Caressing; kissing.

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blandish ENGLISH

To flatter with kind words or affectionate actions; to caress; to cajole.

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blandishment ENGLISH

The act of blandishing; a word or act expressive of affection or kindness, and tending to win the heart; soft …

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caress ENGLISH

An act of endearment; any act or expression of affection; an embracing, or touching, with tenderness.

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caress ENGLISH

To treat with tokens of fondness, affection, or kindness; to touch or speak to in a loving or endearing manner; …

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To caress with the hand; to stroke.

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dalaloon, dalaloon HILIGAYNON

dalalóon, dalaloón - (H) Lovable, amiable, attractive, pleasing; that is, or should be, cherished, petted, caressed. (cf. dálò).

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dalliance ENGLISH

The act of dallying, trifling, or fondling; interchange of caresses; wanton play.

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To interchange caresses, especially with one of the opposite sex; to use fondling; to wanton; to sport.

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dálò - To fondle, dandle, pet, caress, treat tenderly. Dalóa ang bátà. Fondle the baby. Idálò akó siníng bátà. Please …

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dapúlay - To stroke, caress, fondle, dandle, wheedle, cajole, coax. (cf. apóhap, hapóhap, dalôdálò).

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embracive ENGLISH

Disposed to embrace; fond of caressing.

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