"Carcinoma" is a word in ENGLISH

carcinoma ENGLISH

A cancer. By some medical writers, the term is applied
to an indolent tumor. See Cancer.

Few words of positivity

When it's over no one cares what you did

R.Gayan Priyankara

Laugh your heart out.

Pedro: Galing ako sa doctor, nakabili na ako ng hearing aid grabe ang linaw na ng pandinig ko

Juan: talga?! Magkano ang bili mo?

Pedro: Kahapon lang…


amomótol - A sort of leprous cancer, starting at the fingers or toes and slowly eating away whole members of …

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bahù paniN- {1b} -ng yútà for death to be near (lit. smell of earthhumorous). Nagpanimahù nang yútà ang kansirun, The …

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cachexy ENGLISH

A condition of ill health and impairment of nutrition due to impoverishment of the blood, esp. when caused by a …

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cancer ENGLISH

A northern constellation between Gemini and Leo.

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cancer ENGLISH

A genus of decapod Crustacea, including some of the most common shore crabs of Europe and North America, as the …

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cancer ENGLISH

The fourth of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The first point is the northern limit of the sun's course …

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cancer ENGLISH

Formerly, any malignant growth, esp. one attended with great pain and ulceration, with cachexia and progressive emaciation. It was so …

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cancerate ENGLISH

To grow into a canser; to become cancerous.

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canceration ENGLISH

The act or state of becoming cancerous or growing into a cancer.

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cancerite ENGLISH

Like a cancer; having the qualities or virulence of a cancer; affected with cancer.

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cancriform ENGLISH

Like a cancer; cancerous.

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cancroid ENGLISH

Like a cancer; as, a cancroid tumor.

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cancroid ENGLISH

Resembling a crab; pertaining to the Cancroidea, one of the families of crabs, including the genus Cancer.

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carcinosys ENGLISH

The affection of the system with cancer.

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colloid ENGLISH

A gelatinous substance found in colloid degeneration and colloid cancer.

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The zodiacal constellation Cancer.

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cundurango ENGLISH

The bark of a South American vine (Gonolobus Condurango) of the Milkweed family. It has been supposed, but erroneously, to …

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diskubri TAGALOG

diskubri Passive Verb: makadiskubri Definition: (verb) to discover Examples: Makadiskubri kaya siya ng bagong gamot laban sa cancer? (Will he …

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diskubri CEBUANO

diskubri v [A; a12b2] discover, find s.t. Wà pay nakadiskubrig tambal sa kansir, No one has found a cure for …

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