"Capitol" is a word in ENGLISH

capitol ENGLISH

The temple of Jupiter, at Rome, on the Mona Capitolinus,
where the Senate met.

capitol ENGLISH

The edifice at Washington occupied by the Congress of the
United States; also, the building in which the legislature of State
holds its sessions; a statehouse.

Few words of positivity

It's really important that as women we tell our stories. That is what helps seed our imaginations.

Ann Bancroft

Laugh your heart out.

Which kind of ink do you put in your computer's printer? Black, Red or Iced?Iced Ink?Well, yes you do, but I didn't want to mention it.

adytum ENGLISH

The innermost sanctuary or shrine in ancient temples, whence oracles were given. Hence: A private chamber; a sanctum.

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agigísil - The temple (of the head). (cf. agigísing).

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agigising CEBUANO

agigísing n temples, hair on the temples.

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agigising HILIGAYNON

agigísing - The temple, the part of the head between the ear and forehead. (cf. dungán-dúngan).

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amphiprostyle ENGLISH

An amphiprostyle temple or edifice.

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In Engllsh law. Gentle-men of the Inns of court and chancery. In Gray’s Inn the society consists of benchers, ancients, …

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antecedent ENGLISH

The noun to which a relative refers; as, in the sentence \"Solomon was the prince who built the temple,\" prince …

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antetemple ENGLISH

The portico, or narthex in an ancient temple or church.

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athenaeum ENGLISH

A temple of Athene, at Athens, in which scholars and poets were accustomed to read their works and instruct students.

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beaucatcher ENGLISH

A small flat curl worn on the temple by women.

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candelabrum ENGLISH

A highly ornamented stand of marble or other ponderous material, usually having three feet, -- frequently a votive offering to …

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The part inclosed within the walls of an ancient temple, as distinguished from the open porticoes.

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cherub ENGLISH

A symbolical winged figure of unknown form used in connection with the mercy seat of the Jewish Ark and Temple.

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church ENGLISH

A Jewish or heathen temple.

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columnated ENGLISH

Having columns; as, columnated temples.

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The name given to the principal subdivisions of the kingdom of Eng-land and of most of the states of the …

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crotaphite ENGLISH

The temple or temporal fossa. Also used adjectively.

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crotaphitic ENGLISH

Pertaining to the temple; temporal.

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decastyle ENGLISH

Having ten columns in front; -- said of a portico, temple, etc.

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dedicate ENGLISH

To set apart and consecrate, as to a divinity, or for sacred uses; to devote formally and solemnly; as, to …

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