"Capias" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


I^at. “That you take." The general name for several species of writs, the common characteristic of which is that they require the officer to take the body of the defendant into custody; they are writs of at-tachmeut or arrest

capias ENGLISH

A writ or process commanding the officer to take the body
of the person named in it, that is, to arrest him; -- also called writ
of capias.

Few words of positivity

Oh, Marilla, I thought I was happy before. Now I know that I just dreamed a pleasant dream of happiness. This is the reality.

L.M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Brighton !Brighton who ?Brighton-der the light of the moon !

Ad Satisfaciendum LAW AND LEGAL

To Rntisfy. The emphatic words of the writ of capias ad satisfaciendum, which requires the sheriff to take the person …

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L. Fr. To take. Rref 4 prendre la terre, a writ to take the land. Fet Ass. { 51. A …

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attach ENGLISH

To take by legal authority: (a) To arrest by writ, and bring before a court, as to answer for a …

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To take or apprehend by com-mandment of a writ or precept. Buckeye Pipe-Line Co. v. Fee, 62 ohio St. 543, …

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attachment ENGLISH

The writ or percept commanding such seizure or taking.

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Attachment LAW AND LEGAL

The act or process of taking, apprehending, or seizing persons or property, by virtue of a writ, summons, or other …

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An obsolete writ that lay where a house was within a borough, for rent issuing out of the same, and …

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English law. A writ to a justice of the common pleas, or other, who has power to take a tine, …

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writ for taking cattle in wlth-ernam. A writ which lay where the sheriff returned to a plurics writ of replevin …

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De Cautione Admittenda LAW AND LEGAL

writ to take caution or security. A writ which anciently lay against a bishop who held an excommunicated person ln …

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Dedimus Potestatem LAW AND LEGAL

(we have given power.) In English practice. A writ or commission issuing out of chancery, eni-powering the persons named therein …

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A writ prohibiting the taking of fines for beau pleader. Reg. orig. 179

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(Lat. For taking a man in wither-nam.) A writ to take a man who had carried away a bondman or …

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De Identitate Nominis LAW AND LEGAL

A writ -which lay for one arrested in a personal action and committed to prison under a mis-take as to …

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writ for taking a moderate amercement A writ, founded on Magna Charta, (c. 14,) which lay for one who was …

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A writ which lay where there was a dis-pute as to the boundaries of two adjacent lordships or towns, directed …

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writ of rescue or res-cous. A writ which lay where cattle dis-trained, or persons arrested, were rescued from those taking …

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De Theolonio LAW AND LEGAL

A writ which lay for a person who was prevented from taking toll. Reg. orig. 103

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To put into execution; to cause to take effect; to make effective; as, to enforce a writ, a judgment, or …

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A writ that lay for taking cattle of one who has conveyed the cattle of another out of the county, …

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