"Cacaemia" is a word in ENGLISH

cacaemia ENGLISH

Alt. of Cachaemia

Few words of positivity

... I succeeded at math, at least by the usual evaluation criteria: grades. Yet while I might have earned top marks in geometry and algebra, I was merely following memorized rules, plugging in numbers and dutifully crunching out answers by rote, with no real grasp of the significance of what I was doing or its usefulness in solving real-world problems. Worse, I knew the depth of my own ignorance, and I lived in fear that my lack of comprehension would be discovered and I would be exposed as an academic fraud -- psychologists call this "imposter syndrome".

Jennifer Ouellette, The Calculus Diaries: How Math Can Help You Lose Weight, Win in Vegas, and Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

Laugh your heart out.

What did the dog take when he was run down?The license number of the car that hit him.

swiple ENGLISH

That part of a flail which strikes the grain in thrashing; a swingel.

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badgering ENGLISH

The practice of buying wheat and other kinds of food in one place and selling them in another for a …

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millenniarism ENGLISH

Belief in, or expectation of, the millennium; millenarianism.

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vapored ENGLISH

Wet with vapors; moist.

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kalentura HILIGAYNON

kalentúra - (Sp. calentura) A cold, fever. (cf. lágnat, hilánat).

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lígwa - (B) Wide, roomy, spacious, extensive; to be or become wide, etc. (cf. lápad, hanáhay, aliwána, sángkad).

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lebadura TAGALOG

lebadura Definition: (noun) yeast Notes: Spanish

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palatal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the palate; palatine; as, the palatal bones.

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excursion ENGLISH

Length of stroke, as of a piston; stroke. [An awkward use of the word.]

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leasehold ENGLISH
hypnotization ENGLISH

The act or process of producing hypnotism.

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The long flower stems of the ribwort plantain (Plantago Lanceolata).

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betrothal ENGLISH

The act of betrothing, or the fact of being betrothed; a mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage …

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Poultry, etc., required by the lease to be paid in kind by a tenant to his landlord.

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The part of any article of clothing which covers the leg; as, the leg of a stocking or of a …

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lithotomy ENGLISH

The operation, art, or practice of cutting for stone in the bladder.

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yakap1 Active Verb: yumakap Definition: (verb) to embrace; to hug

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