"Butterbur" is a word in ENGLISH

butterbur ENGLISH

A broad-leaved plant (Petasites vulgaris) of the
Composite family, said to have been used in England for wrapping up
pats of butter.

Few words of positivity

My former identity was lying around, somewhere, fragmented and buried, like shards from an earlier civilization.

Laurie Nadel, Dancing with the Wind: A True Story of Zen in the Art of Windsurfing

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so old her birth certificate says expired on it.


In Engllsh practice. A judicial writ touching a plea of . lands or tenements, divlded lnto cape magnum, or the …

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musical ENGLISH

A social entertainment of which music is the leading feature; a musical party.

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Not proportionable.

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To gather matter; to swell and come to a head, as a pimple.

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To separate or part the threads of, and arrange them in a reed; -- a term used by weavers. See …

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benzoyl ENGLISH

A compound radical, C6H5.CO; the base of benzoic acid, of the oil of bitter almonds, and of an extensive series …

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Ex Industria LAW AND LEGAL

with contrivance or deliberation; designedly; on purpose. Seel Kent, Comm. 318; Martin v. Hunter, 1 wheat. 334, 4 L. Ed. …

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assumably ENGLISH

By way of assumption.

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wagering ENGLISH

Hazarding; pertaining to the act of one who wagers.

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allegeable ENGLISH

Capable of being alleged or affirmed.

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kadagidiay ILOKANO

pl. of ITI DAYDIAY; the oblique or locative form of DAGIDIAY: in, at, to, of those (far from both speaker …

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mamahî-mahî, mamahî—máhì - Dim. of mamahî. Rather well developed, not much torn or fissured, pretty well, etc.

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To collect and lay up; to amass and deposit in secret; to store secretly, or for the sake of keeping …

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pioneer ENGLISH

One who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow; as, pioneers of civilization; pioneers …

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imp. & p. p. of Creep.

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insinuator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, insinuates.

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vegetable ENGLISH

Plants without true flowers, and reproduced by minute spores of various kinds, or by simple cell division.

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prededication ENGLISH

A dedication made previously or beforehand.

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stabber ENGLISH

A small marline spike; a pricker.

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indigofera ENGLISH

A genus of leguminous plants having many species, mostly in tropical countries, several of them yielding indigo, esp. Indigofera tinctoria, …

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