"Butlig" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO

butlig TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) little cyst-like growth on the skin


bútlig - A pimple. (cf. butíg, bugás,

butlig CEBUANO

butlig n small cyst-like skin eruption.
v [a4] get cysts on skin.

Few words of positivity

Miracles don't happen. You make them happen. They're not wishes or dreams or candles on a cake. They're not impossible. Reality is real. It's totally and completely under my control.

Julie Anne Peters, Far from Xanadu

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a flying skunk?A smellicopter!

cosmical ENGLISH

Rising or setting with the sun; -- the opposite of acronycal.

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dispropriate ENGLISH

To cancel the appropriation of; to disappropriate.

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nudum pactum ENGLISH

A bare, naked contract, without any consideration.

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lapak n {1} an area di? ering in color or texture from the surrounding area: splotch, stripe, spot. Ang sanínà …

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monopolizer ENGLISH

One who monopolizes.

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whipsaw ENGLISH

A saw for dividing timber lengthwise, usually set in a frame, and worked by two persons; also, a fret saw.

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discomfit ENGLISH

To break up and frustrate the plans of; to balk/ to throw into perplexity and dejection; to disconcert.

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encalendar ENGLISH

To register in a calendar; to calendar.

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informant ENGLISH

One who imparts information or instruction.

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Placitabile LAW AND LEGAL

In old Engllsh law. Pleadable. Spelman

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bellows ENGLISH

An instrument, utensil, or machine, which, by alternate expansion and contraction, or by rise and fall of the top, draws …

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Having sufficient power, strength, force, skill, means, or resources of any kind to accomplish the object; possessed of qualifications rendering …

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checkrein ENGLISH

A branch rein connecting the driving rein of one horse of a span or pair with the bit of the …

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lithographer ENGLISH

One who lithographs; one who practices lithography.

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infester ENGLISH

One who, or that which, infests.

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ugrian ENGLISH

A Mongolian race, ancestors of the Finns.

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portion ENGLISH

To separate or divide into portions or shares; to parcel; to distribute.

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See under Doctrine.

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hassock ENGLISH

A small stuffed cushion or footstool, for kneeling on in church, or for home use.

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